Chapter 4 - Calm Times And Unending Night (WAIT WHAT?!)

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Adrian PoV

As I travel, I just met these fairies. One is ice fairy and the other is... Just a fairy.

Daiyousei: Hi.

Adrian: Hello. Also, hi, ehhhh...

Daiyousei: I'm Daiyousei. You can call me Dai. The ice fairy is Cirno. She is the-


Cirno freezes the frogs around her surroundings. Woah. She is reaooy strong. What I mean to say is... Ehhhh.... Wait, nevermind. Why is she so-called the strongest fairy? Doesn't that mean she is weak? Yes, but how? Maybe don't try to insult.

Cirno: Who are you, outsider?

Adrian: I'm Adrian Delta, the great knight. Also, I like your skills and power. I'm happy that you're the strongest. Also... Let's play hide and seek. I'm the seeker.

Daiyousei and Cirno: Okay!

3 hours later...

Daiyousei: Bye, Ad! See you soon.

Cirno: Yeah! We will see you soon.

Adrian: As always!

I walk away and... Nice... Well, where was I? Huh? Am I in... The bamboo forest!? B-B-But that was the route that I took when I was badly hurt because of that SKELETAL ROBOT KILLING ME. And it's nighttime. Oh well, gotta use the Sundial. My father says that Enchanted Sundial can skip the day or night, but after the use, it has a 1 week cool down. I just wait cuz I usedthe sundial. I waited and waited and waited... Until I realise it's even nighttime. Wait, one week has passed and sundial didn't do anything?! Jam! I better- oh wait, I must- CULTISTS AT THE MANSION?! Oh wait, cultists were trying to prevent the escape of Moon Lord. Yeah, my uncle Cole the Guide usually said that cultists are worshipping Moon Lord and they don't want the Terraria world to be destroyed. After all, I'm feeling sorry to Cole because he got killed by me, summoning the Wall of Meat- I mean Wall of Flesh.

Adrian: Hmmm... Gotta kill those cultists... They're really the sign of another battle.

As I was trying to kill the cultists stealthily, Lunatic Cultist appeared, along with the doctor too?! Oh shote, I just saw the papers called amulets to kill the cultists. Damn, why?????

Adrian: Heh. Reimu can fight this and-

Lunatic Cultist: So... I have sense a Terrarian.

Eirin:??? What do you mean?

Adrian: Me! Hey, Lunatic Penguin! Remember me!? To be fair, I will use the weak weapon.

Reimu: Huh?! What are you doi-

Lunatic Cultist: Alright, mortal. Your father was used to be the protector of our tablet, and now you came? After all I did to protect Terraria? Well, die like OTHER TERRARIANS!

Lunatic Cultist then proceeds to shoot those fireballs at me. I dodged as Reimu keeps shooting and she shoots the yin yang orbs at the doctor.

Lunatic Cultist: Heh.

Lunatic Cultist uses Ice Mist that shoots porjectiles while moving and he made a ritual which makes me get comfused which was the real one. I attacked thefake one with the Paladin's Hammer and I used Possessed Hatchet to attack him. Ancient Sights and the Phantasmal Dragon are targetting me. I dodge those melee attacks and I kept hitting Lunatic Cultist. He then proceeds to use Ancient Doom which shoots Prophecy's Ends in 4 directions. As I dodge, Lunatic Cultist grabbed my leg and throws me outside and follows me as his Decoys and his minions follow him. I wasted time on fighting Phantasmal Dragons and Ancient Sights. I kept throwing Possessed Hatchet then that Lunatic Penguin is defeated. I tried to kill him but I refused. He drop his loots. Nice. I got the mask, the trophy, the coins, and healing potions, but I kept the healing potions because I need them. I trashed other loots. Heh... What now?

Lunatic Cultist: But-

Adrian: No buts.

Lunatic Cultist: Okay.

I just walk away.

Lunatic Cultist: He spared me?

Reimu PoV

I don't know if he defeated that Lunatic Cultist but I must fight Kaguya.

Kaguya: Now die!

She then shoot many bullets to me. I dodge and shoot endlessly.


Reimu: Huh?

Kaguya: Eh?! What is this?!

Adrian: A shield!

Adrian just charge and bumps Kaguya. Wow. He defeated the immortal.

Adrian: I AM ALIVE!!!!

Reimu: Gods... What happened to you?

Adrian: I just gave that penguin a punch.

Reimu: Ehhhh... Wait what!? I thought-

Adrian: I'll explain later...

Adrian PoV

I didn't actually kill that Lunatic Cultist but his abilities were released. The actual hell? I am doomed even I didn't kill my favourite cultist.

Lunatic Cultist: Okay. You win, mortal... But the Lunar Event has been started.

See? He actually said that and he really released his power because he can't hold it for long, but still... He can cast magic even without absorbing the power of the Mysterious Tablet.

Reimu: What's a Lunar Event?

Adrian and Lunatic Cultist: An invasion of the four lunar pillars and four lunar armies.

I then immediately fly as Reimu follows me. Damn those stupid pillars. I hate Lunar Invasion, but I kept listening the Lunar Invasion music box. When did I even try to use Zenith now?

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