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Orochimaru looked at them shocked. They didn't know who was that boy, but he annoyed them so much. They  were looking at them, but they didn't noticed some animal, insect was watching them.

That insect was roach. Disgusting, creepy roach. The roach walked to Orochimaru and climb up on their hand.

Orochimaru noticed something on their hand. They looked and freezed. A nasty roach was crawling on their hand. A insect that they hated and despised the most was on their pale hand.

They screamed and jumped and started to run. Kabuto & Brent turned around and saw Orochimaru running in the forest. The roach was after them.

"GET AWAY FROM ME YOU NASTY CREATURE!" Orochimaru screamed as they run deep in the dark forest.

"PLS IM NOT TRYING TO HURT YOU!!!" roach screamed behind Orochimaru.

Kabuto and Brent were shocked. They didn't knew why Orochimaru ran away. Kabuto went to search for Orochimaru.

Brent was confused. "What the frizzle dizzle happened?" he asked himself as he watched Vine video he made with Kabuto

"Hey, brooo!" MattyB greeted Brent as he pulled up in a roach costume.

"Oh hi Matty!" Brent greeted back. "I like your costume! Where did you get it?" Brent asked.

"Oh, I got it from my basement! Do you like it?" MattyB said. He started to do some cosplayer moves in his roach costume.

"Yeah, I guess..." Brent looked at Matty. "Weird kid" Brent thought.

"Wait, what are you doing in the forest?" Matty asked, still doing his silly cosplayer moves.

"Well, I met my fan. But he dissapeared... He said he's going to look for his "lord"..." Brent sighed sadly

"Let's look for them!" Matty said then ran away somewhere else. Brent didn't knew what to do, so he ran after Matty too.


I hope you like it even tho it's kinda rushed 😘


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