at least it's somethin'

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Michael then realized he got hella sidetracked and the past couple chapters or whatever never even happened. Turned out the last time he was using the time machine, he mistakenly ate a worm for some reason or another and had very bad hallucination-inducing food poisoning. Readers beware: BOTULISM EXISTS. Michael wasn't entirely sure if this Mr. Beast character or the mysterious Pewpidie guy existed, but the writer doesn't feel like expanding on the sudden change in events. MOVING ALONG.

He couldn't remember what George had told him--not that he really understood the man in the first place--but firmly decided to try to go back in time to stop Prince from drinking his goddamn blue Kool-Aid. it really steamed his vegetables just thinking about it. He could feel his face get hot with anger and his throat dry up as he thought about how he never got to drink his goddamn kool-aid. His lips dried out and chapped as his sudden dehydration began to swallow his face whole. He needed a drink; it was the whole purpose of him making the Kool-Aid in the first place. But he needed to bring Prince out of his sugar induced coma somehow, solely for the purpose of putting him in another one after beating his ass. The aggression was consuming Michael and soon enough, he was frothing at the mouth and flustered beyond belief. Prince was his friend, but no friend should ever drink another man's Kool-Aid without repercussions. 

Babbling and mumbling angrily to himself, absolutely fuming beyond reason, Michael resituated himself in the time machine, brushing his vomit off the computer and off to the side. He started pushing buttons and prayed to God, Buddha, and Allah to get him back to a few days ago so he could bitch slap the shit out of Prince before even so much as a drop of blue Kool-Aid touched his lips. 

A few questionable decisions and the smell of dead skunks later, Michael somehow managed to end up back in George's lab just a second after he had left there. At least, it was a second ago for George, days for Michael. This new development only added to Michael's frustration. What was he to do now? The time machine idea failed. He couldn't even remember why Tyka sent him there in the first place. 

Before he did anything he would deeply regret or go to Hell for later, Michael got out of the time machine and stormed out of George's laboratory before George could make a noise. He wasn't about to deal with that unintelligible, mumbling bastard again. 

When he made it outside, it didn't take him long to see the world had gone to absolute chaos and was on the brink of mass destruction and extinction. Finally having had his fill, more than enough that he could handle, Michael leaned up against the wall of George's... whatever it was George was in. As his back slowly slid down the wall until his buttocks made sweet love to grass, tears rolled down his cheeks.  He buried his face in his arms and sobbed with anger and sadness until he completely exhausted whatever hydration he had left in his body and his tears came out as puffs of air making farting noises with his eyelids.

Suddenly, he heard an angelic voice come from above him. "You look like you could use some help," the voice said.

Michael looked up and saw a beautiful black man offering his hand to him. It was Chris Tucker! "We heard America gone to shit while we were away," another voice said from behind Chris. The man stepped out to reveal himself. It was none other than Jackie Chan!

Michael stared at them with wonder in his eyes and curiosity. Finally, he screamed, "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU PEOPLE?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2021 ⏰

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