The feels...

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You and Vincent decide to start dating and it isn't long before Vincent moves in with you. Everything was going well at work until tonight...

You and Vincent start your shift and play on your phones checking the hall and vents every now and then. Foxy starts coming down your hall but you and Vincent don't notice. Foxy starts to run towards you but Vincent sees and jumps in front of you. Foxy bites down on Vincent's arm. You hear cracking and see blood splatter onto the floor and wall.

"Vincent!", you yell with tears in your eyes. You grab the flashlight and shine it directly in foxy's eyes. He screeches and runs back to the parts and service room, dropping Vincent to the floor.

You look down at Vincent. He was losing a lot of blood. You collapse to the floor and cradle Vincent in your arms. "(Y/n)", Vincent says weakly. "Don't worry Vincent we're gonna get help", you say wiping your eyes and grabbing your keys...

(I was laying in bed and got bored so I wrote the next chapter but it's a cliffhanger! Muhahahaha!)
(Also, writing this chapter made me kinda sad (︶︹︺) )

Purple Hearts (Purple Guy/Vincent X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now