I Waited All My Life

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"Start at the very beginning and don't exclude a single detail." I exclaimed eagerly, shifting into a more comfortable position.

"Alright." My mother began with a chuckle. "Well after you said the spell, you, Nyx and me came back here. There was no sign of Nora or Marcie." Mother stated.

"Where did they go?" I asked.

"We wondered the same." Interjected Nyx. "But Merlon reminded us that the spell would send everyone to where they truly belong, so we immediately guessed Nora would have returned to the human land."

Mother nodded along. "So I decided to go back and have a very long overdue conversation with her."

I shifted nervously. "What happened?"

"A lot." Giggled Nyx.

My mother laughed. "Yes I guess you could say that."

"Go on." I prompted excitedly.

"I returned to the rift and went back to the human land. It was really quite surreal going back after all of these years but it was nice to see my room again. I must admit I did shed a tear...or rather several thinking about all the time I missed spending with you both, never being able to watch you grow up or nag at you to do your homework." She sighed wistfully, sadness spread across her slim face.

"I found Nora sitting with Albert in the living room, deep in conversation. When I walked into the room Albert just sat shocked while Nora jumped up and hugged me so tight I could barely breathe let alone move."

I raised my eyebrows in disbelief.

"I couldn't believe it either." Nyx stated, noticing my expression. "But according to mother she broke down and started sobbing." She grabbed a fistful of popcorn and thrust it into her mouth, munching happily.

I laughed at her as I reached for my cold glass of orange juice and took a long sip. The ice cold liquid sent a chill through my body, making my head involuntarily shake. A slight numbness crept into my head similar to when I was little and ate ice cream too fast despite my better judgement because it was too tasty to stop.

I pressed one hand against my head to nurse my brain freeze as I set the glass back down on the tray with the other, my fingers leaving marks against the condensation of the glass.

My mother shook her head at me before laughing slightly and continuing.

"When she eventually managed to gather herself she couldn't stop apologising. She said the moment she saw we disappeared she knew where we had gone but thought it would best if we were left alone. She said she had already caused us enough pain and didn't want us to suffer anymore because of her. Despite the way she behaved towards us, she told us she went spare when we left and spent most of the following weeks crying her eyes out."

I nodded when mother said this. "She did, I heard her praying every night that you would come back."

Mother looked guilty at this and started twirling a stray lock of her fiery auburn hair around her finger.

I took hold of one of her hands while Nyx reached for the other. "It's not your fault." I whispered.

She nodded softly, a single tear rolled down her face and landed on he duvet, leaving a small grey water mark before fading gently away.

"I know." She replied before furrowing her brow. "But alas it still doesn't excuse her for all the horrible things she would say to Nyx and me. One thing I will always remember is that when you were young she would quite often sit and play with you Vivian but completely ignore Nyx."

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