Pale Shadow

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Vivian's PoV




I groaned and open my eyes. A small strip of day light was streaming into the room through my curtains and the gap under my door, but otherwise, the room was pretty dark.


I sighed and shook my head slightly before swinging my legs out of bed and going to open the door.

My dogs Coco and Molly came happily bounding into my room. They both circled me a few times before excitedly jumping up onto my bed. I chuckled at them before shutting my door back over and returning to my bed to join them. Coco licked my hand appreciatively as I patted her and Molly nuzzled her head into me. I sat and patted them both until they both settled down and started to fall asleep.

I was about to head downstairs and leave them there to sleep when Coco sat up and started whimpering. The whimpering soon turned to barking, which worried me as she never barks at anything, especially not in the house. I looked at her and noticed her eyes were following something.

Quickly, I turned my attention to where her gaze was fixed, expecting to see a fly or spider or something, but I saw nothing. She started barking again which started to freak me out a bit. Ok, a lot.

I was going to stand up and move closer to where she was looking but she put her paw on my leg, as if trying to stop me getting up. As cute as this was, it was still pretty freaky.

Molly, who had been dozing started to stir. I went to give her a pat and noticed she too had her eyes fixated on the same spot Coco was staring at.

Ok, now I was really freaked out.

Suddenly, I noticed both their heads had started to move in sync, clearly following the movement of something. I was ready to jump under the covers and hide. Seems childish I know, but sometimes it just feels much safer under a blanket.

Their heads then moved back to the original area they had been staring at to begin with. I wondered if there was a fly there after all and I just couldn't see it, so I decided to grab my flashlight and shine it where they were looking.

I lifted it off of my shelf and pointed it where their gazes were fixed.

I took a deep breath.

And flicked it on.

There was no fly, no spider, but there was a shadow on my wall. The shadow of what looked like a person.

I sat in shocked silence as the shadow began to quickly move around, as though it was scared that it had been spotted.

I was about to get up and approach when my bedroom door suddenly swung open and my grandma walked in, carrying a breakfast tray for me.

"Happy Birthday Vivian!" She exclaimed.

She gave me a weird look when she noticed I had a flashlight in my hand and was shining it at the wall but, thankfully, she didn't question it.

I smiled brightly at her before I quickly stole a glance back at where the shadow had been. There was no sign of the shadow on the wall anymore. It had vanished completely.

I sighed (partly in frustration of not seeing where the shadow went, but also in relief that it had gone) and turned the flashlight off, placing it down on the floor.

My grandma came over and handed me the tray. She had made me a huge plate of waffles with strawberries and cream.

"Oh wow! Thank you so much grandma!"

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