Set Them Free

38 8 78

Rhea's POV

The small crystal grew warmer and warmer in my palm as I approached the intimidating building which groaned on the hills summit. It stood three floors tall with small windows dotted across its dark exterior. My eyes wandered over the rough brickwork and the snaking ivy which formed a blanket over the right wall of the house.

I crept through the bed of dandelions towards the front porch. The steps creaked and the whole house seemed to sigh as I stepped up to the black door. I knocked sharply, the sound of my knuckles on the wood echoing eerily in the still night.

I stood for a few minutes, anxiously shifting my weight from one foot to the other.

No answer.

I tried again, knocking so hard that the door shook. I clasped my hand around the now burning crystal.

No answer.

I jumped off the porch and glanced around the windows. There was no sign of light or life coming from any of them.

With a sigh I returned to my place in front of the door and gently tried the handle. It was unlocked and swung open with a loud groan. The tremble that shook the landscape was enough encouragement to make me enter the house. The future would not stretch much further if the void was not stopped.

The door let a sliver of light creep along a narrow hallway, illuminating the dark cherry floor. With every footstep the floor let out a whispery creak and I found myself holding my breath as I walked further into the house.

As I crept along the hallway I found myself drawn to a room off to the right. The door was closed and like everywhere else in the house, no light could be seen from the small space underneath.

I turned the handle and entered into the small room. As soon as I stepped in, the crystal burned so hot in my hand I had to keep passing it between my palms every few seconds.

I jumped as a flash of light hit my eyes. I spun around, not daring to draw breath. A small lamp flickered on a desk beneath the window. I let out a sigh as relief washed over my body.

As I cast my eyes over the tall, overfilled book shelves, the unsteady stacks of books around the floor and the writing desk over by the window I realised this must be Lord Stygian's study.

I navigated carefully around the piles of books towards the busy desk. It was barely visible under piles of scrolls and yet more books. I flipped through a few of the books and unrolled some of the scrolls but they were all written in Greek which I didn't want to waste time translating at the moment. I brushed them aside to reveal a dusty wooden box. I shook it gently and something slid around inside.

I wiped the dust from the lid before opening the box to be greeted with a strong musty smell. Inside, was a smaller square box, an old piece of paper which seemed to be a letter and a small dead moth.

I ignored the moth and instead reached for the crumpled letter. The writing had faded in some places and the creases made it hard to read.

My dea es   he
Fr m the mome t I  et y u I knew I wa  ed t  spen    he r st of my li e with you. Ea h mo ent we  er  apar  you were al  I c  ld thi    bout. I would l ve n th  ng mo e than to ho d you a d the gir s in m  a ms f r  er, t  spend every su  er ha in  pi n  s  und r  th  we ping will  and to sp   ea   night tucki      m in and reading b d  me stories. With each p  sing d y my l ve f    you all gro s str ng r a d mor      rfu  tha  imag na le. Rh        ove       to the st rs. With th s  in    as  you to spend th se m me t   with m  and so ma     mor   Wi l      ma  y  e?

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