Almost Comatose

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My eyes widened as Nyx addressed the woman as her aunt. I took a few steps back as the woman's menacing orange eyes focussed on me. I thought Nyx would step back with me but she remained where she was, standing her ground. It was almost as if her heels were glued to the midnight blue carpet.

"Don't try my patience Nyx." The woman's eyes flashed a dangerous red. "Change into your real form now!" Her scream echoed around the room before dissipating into a long silence.

The woman sighed and began repeatedly tapping her nails against the small mahogany coffee table. "I'm waiting!" She chirruped.

My eyes dashed between the two, as her comment received no response from Nyx.

"I will give you one last chance. Change now Nyx!"

Nyx turned her head to face mine, her panicked eyes met my fearful ones. She took a deep breath before returning her attention to the woman.

"Or what?" I expected her voice to come out shakily but it was bold and had a hint of authority to it.

My worry increased as I knew the woman definitely wasn't going to like this.

I was right.

Her crimson eyes became speckled with black dots. I was surprised there wasn't steam coming from her ears. "Don't you dare question me madam, do it now or I will make you!"

Now, I know from experience it doesn't do good to provoke someone who is already extremely angry at you. My advice, do whatever they want and be as sweet towards them as possible. It works like a treat, well, most of the time anyway. However, this was definitely not Nyx's approach, who seemed strangely unfazed by the woman's roar.

"So make me."

That was all it took to make her...our...aunt snap.

"Come here right now missy!" The woman lunged at Nyx and grabbed her tightly by the wrist as she began to pull her harshly towards the door.

"No please, let me go." Nyx's piercing screams as she tried to resist our aunt Pricilla still haunt me to this day.

In a desperate attempt to help her, I grabbed hold of her other arm and tugged at her as she struggled to free her right hand from the woman's firm grip. I could see red grooves appearing on her wrist where our aunts nails were digging in.

"I thought you would have learned to do what I tell you by now Nyx, but I guess not." Her angry voice softened. Don't worry though, you can be rest assured I will make sure you learn your lesson this time." This comment seemed to make Nyx struggle even more, he heels dragged across the carpet as our aunt stormed towards the front door.

I continued to pull on her arm, her silver bangles clanking together furiously, to the point where I thought I would rip it straight out of its socket.

It was like a horrendous tug of war.

"Watch out!" Nyx screamed.

It was too late.

I had been too busy concentrating on trying to free Nyx that I failed to notice Pricilla picking up a tall, marble effect vase from the mantle piece. She swung it around and brought it crashing down on my head.

The last thing I remember before my vision clouded were the harrowing screams of Nyx as she fell to her knees and our aunt dragging her out of the door.

Grandmother's PoV

"I've called her seven times but she isn't answering." My hand was shaking as I pressed the hang up button before the 'welcome to voicemail' message began to play.

My husband, Albert, came and sat next to me on the edge of Vivian's bed.

"It's ok, we will find her."

Normally I would find comfort in his soft, warm voice but not today. We had already lost Rhea and Nyx, we simply couldn't lose Vivian as well. I stood up and began pacing across the soft carpet in my worn lilac slippers.

"She has been gone for too long, I'm going to phone the police." I reached for my phone once again and began to dial the number, but before I could finish Albert placed his hand on my forearm.

"You don't think they've gone to..." He trailed off.

"Gone where? Tell me!" I was near hysterics. I knew Vivian wasn't the sort to wander off without telling anyone, especially not in the middle of the night.

He sighed heavily. "την άλλη πλευρά του καθρέφτη."

I stopped and dropped my phone to the ground. "No! They couldn't have, I forbade Rhea from going there long ago. She used to sneak away all the time to see that infernal wisp." I spat the last part as I began to pace again.

Albert stood up and placed his hands on my shoulders, forcing me to stop and look at him. "He was a very kind man, I will never understand why you wouldn't let her see him."

"Has it escaped your attention that he was a wisp." I quickly retorted.

He shook his head. "No, it hasn't escaped my attention, but unlike you, it doesn't matter to me that he is a wisp. All that mattered to me was that he made our daughter happy." Albert always spoke with a calm voice, he had never once raised it or shouted at me.

If anything, his gentle voice made me feel even more guilty for what I had done.

I opened my mouth to speak but he had already shuffled out of the room and down the hallway.

I picked my phone up from the carpet and held it firmly in my hand as I studied the picture on the lock screen. It was an old photo of me and Rhea. She was smiling brightly in the photo. She had an infectious smile which could always light up any room.

I slid the phone into my dressing gown pocket and walked out of the room. My pace quickened as I went downstairs and along the hallway towards a room which I had not entered in many years.

I slowly turned the handle and stepped into Rhea's room. I kept my head down so I didn't need to look at all her things. I knew seeing all her belongings again would bring back floods of memories and I wouldn't be able to hold back the tears which would come along with them.

I came to an abrupt halt in front of the familiar mirror. I ran my hand along the frame before placing it flat on the glass, which began to morph and move beneath my hand, swirling around like a galaxy.

"I'm sorry Rhea, deep down I knew you would have returned to την άλλη πλευρά του καθρέφτη, but I couldn't bring myself to search there." I sighed heavily. "Until now."

I was about to step through when I heard a quiet cough behind me. I pulled back my hand from the surface of the glass and turned to face my smiling husband. "About time you came round."

I smiled softly back at him. "It is."

I returned my attention to the mirror. "I will be back soon." The nod of approval from his reflection gave me the last push to go.

I took a final deep breath, read the incantation on the mirror and stepped through the glass.

Author's note

Hi everyone, I hope you are all enjoying this story so far. Thank you all so much for continuing to read and comment and vote, it means so much to me!

Also 'την άλλη πλευρά του καθρέφτη' (no I don't know how to say this) is Greek for the other side of the mirror. I thought it sounded more mysterious lol.

Thank you all again for all your support! I really appreciate it so much!

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