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Sarah was an absolute angel to me.

It was a risky decision trusting her with the knowledge that another world existed through that mirror but it was a risk worth taking.

I didn't have any money so instead I told her to keep my first weeks wage to pay for the mirror and as a thank you for keeping it safe for me. She kept it in the attic of her little townhouse and every so often in the evening I would return to the realm.

I decided not to tell Morpheus about the mirror situation, he was already worried enough about me without having to worry about the way my new 'mother' treated me.

One of my favourite memories with him was when we were lying on the slightly damp grass under the stars discussing names for our unborn child.

It was a summers night. The air was crisp and still had a sharp chill to it. I was wearing a lilac dress with a long flowing skirt and Morpheus' coat. He insisted I take his jacket so I didn't catch a chill in the night. He was wearing a plain black t-shirt and black jeans and his hand was holding mine as we stared up at the velvety sky.

"I think Morpheus has a really nice ring to it if it's a boy." Morpheus said, doing his best not to giggle.

"Hmm do you think?" I replied with a laugh.

"I do, I think it's a very noble name." Came his silvery voice.

I let out a hearty laugh. "Well let's definitely keep it in mind." I paused. "What about Pheonix? You know like the mythical bird that rises from it's ashes."

"Mythical? I believe one of the guardians owns one as a pet. Don't they exist in the human land?" He asked, surprised.

"No. I had no idea they were real."

"They are very rare to come by here, there aren't many left sadly." He stopped for a moment. "I do like it as a name though." He turned to face me with a soft smile on his face.

I returned the smile. "What about names for a girl?" He asked.

"Personally I think Rhea sounds lovely." I replied playfully, lightly elbowing him.

He laughed at this. "I asked for that didn't I." He shook his head, still smiling.

"I'm not sure to be honest, do you have any thoughts?" I asked, shivering slightly as a strong breeze blew around us, making the grass dance around us.

He pulled me closer, wrapping one arm around me to warm me up. "Hmm I'm not sure. I always said to myself if I was ever fortunate enough to have a daughter of my own I'd name her after my late mother..." he trailed off.

"Are you alright?" I asked, resting my head on his chest.

"Yeah sorry, I'm fine. I just miss her that's all. She was one of the most generous and caring people in the world."

I didn't want to press him on a subject that clearly pained him to talk about. I let a short silence fall over us before Morpheus murmured something.

"What did you say?"

"Vivian. Her name was Vivian." He replied, biting his lip slightly.

"Vivian." I repeated, taking my time over each syllable. "I love that."

"You do?" Morpheus questioned excitedly, a big grin spreading across his face.

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