The House on the Hill

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As we began walking along the narrow path through the trees I took some time to reflect on everything that had happened over the past few days.

All the events whizzed around in my head as though trying to place themselves in an understandable order, but they couldn't quite manage it, instead remaining in a tornado of chaos. I let out a sigh. In time I would be able to make more sense of everything that had happened, but for now I was just going to focus on the mission at heart: saving the realm. Understanding and relegating could wait until that was done. If it was done.

I shook my head fiercely to rid myself of the thought that we could potentially fail. The wind whistled gently in my ears as though whispering a comforting message that I wasn't alone in this. A message that gave me strength.

I looked in turn at everyone in the unlikely group of people upon whose shoulders rested the fate of this world. Cantatio was striding purposefully in front, her boots leaving deep footprints in the mud of the path. While she held her bold and fearless facade, I could see she kept biting the nails on her slightly trembling hand. It wouldn't be long until they were mere stubs on her elegant fingers.

Merlon was walking behind, deep in conversation with mother. His fearful lilac eyes kept darting across our surroundings, as though afraid something would emerge from the shadows and attack us.

While mother held the conversation and nodded in all the right places, I could tell she wasn't fully engaged in it. Her eyes kept drifting and focussing on random spaces in the distance as though she was lost in an unknown thought. However the soft murmur of their voices prevented total silence falling upon us which I was grateful for.

Nyx and I strolled between everyone, making sure Cantatio didn't disappear ahead out of sight and Merlon and mother didn't trail too far behind. We kept stealing glances at each other, not too sure what to say. Our eyes stayed mostly on the path, looking out for the crunchiest leaves to step on and hidden twigs to avoid.

I glanced around the group again. We were as one. No one was alone. We were there for each other and that was all that mattered.

"I like your dress." I finally said to Nyx. It was the only thing I could think to say that didn't centre around the pressure of saving the lives and world of everyone this side of the mirror.

She grinned at me as her eyes sparkled hazel green. "Thanks!" She swirled the skirts around and drew her shawl tighter around her shoulders. "Yours too." She returned.

I felt the hem of my skirt tickling the back of my legs in the breeze as I replied with a thank you.

"But I do wish our outfits came with some shoes though." She continued with an airy laugh.

I nodded in agreement. "Me too." I said with a giggle. At that moment an unseen twig poked into my heel, making me wince in pain.

"Alright everyone." Cantatio called from a few metres ahead. She stopped just before the path widened to lead on into the village and turned to face us. "We need to go through the deepest part of the woods to reach the residence of Lord Stygian. I want everyone to stick together because it's incredibly easy to get lost in there, and you never know what could be lurking among the trees."

My eyes widened as the pit of worry in my stomach grew. Nyx saw the fear in my face and gave me an encouraging smile.

We all strayed from the path and followed Cantatio into the woodland. The sun was beginning to set and I worried what our surroundings would look like when it's watery glow eventually dispersed to leave behind creeping shadows and dark forms.

The trees had lost their golden crowns, which were now dry, rotting piles on the ground. The now biting breeze attacking them, harshly pulling them this way and that until finally relenting and releasing them, letting them fall drunkenly to the ground. I huddled closer to Nyx as the breeze whirled between the trees and reached us, sending goosebumps up my arms and legs.

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