Unfortunate Meeting

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When I woke up the next morning, I was so not looking forward to getting up and going to my apartment, get some other/new clothes, come back to Stein's, take a shower, and go to school. In fact, I dreaded the idea.

When I woke up, I found no living souls in the whole building. Lord Death must be pissed as hell. I thought to myself as I rubbed my neck. After I checked the house, I noticed that on the couch next to the that I was sleeping in had my clothes from the day before, with a post-it note on it. It read:
"Good Morning Alina, I washed and dried your clothes from yesterday. I hope you don't mind, you have a few things to do today, so you would have to go to 'Class Crescent Moon'. Which is my classroom, so just hurry up! Lord Death and I won't be happy if you come after lunch!"
-Professor Stein

"Crap!! I don't even know what time lunch starts!! HOLY CRAP!!!" I groaned. I grabbed my clothes that were attached to the note, grabbed a towel from the closet in the bathroom and took a very quick shower. When I got out of the shower, clothed, bathed, and all that.

I ran out of Stein's house, hopped on my bike and............ "oh shit" I groaned. I'm going to run out of gas before I get to my house! I think I saw a gas station on my way here yesterday.................... I put on my helmet and started up the engine. I'm so smart!

After I finished putting gas in my bike, with the torn up, old and folded up $20 bill in my seat compartment. I rode over to my apartment, unlocked the door, speed walked over to my room, got a suit case, and put random clothes in it. "Nobody will care eventually, so why put full outfits in, right?" I said to myself. After that was over, I walked to my bathroom, quickly brushed my teeth, an put the toothbrush and toothpaste in a separate ziplock bag or something. "That should be good." I said confidently.

So, I walked to my front door, opened and closed it and locked it. "Farewell, Home" I whispered.
~~Time Skip (30 min)~~
"Now, I have to find Class Crescent Moon, where is it?" I looked around everywhere. I was wearing a grey shirt with the back of the shirt a mesh instead of it being cotton, dark blue skinny jeans, and grey converse. All accompanied by a black leather jacket.

"Alina? What are you doing out here?" I turned around to see BlackStar standing there with a pass in his hands. He was wearing the same thing as yesterday...... Wow.

"I just got here, I had to do a few errands around town." I said calmly. "Thats cool, who's class do you have?" He wondered.

"Stein's, how about you?"

"THATS AWESOME!!!!! I HAVE TOO!!!" He said running in a circle around me.

"Cool, I guess. Can you tone down the frickin volume now?" I yelled/said. I said it as loud as a person should get control of a classroom. The students in that classroom don't even know what the words 'shut up' means.

BlackStar cleared his throat and said "Yea, sorry. C'mon, lets go" he said.

"It's fine, c'mon lets go" I said.

After about two minutes, we made it there, I was about to open the door when BlackStar did, and did this pose how how semi-bends and puts his arm to his stomach. "Thanks."

When I walked in, the guys of the classroom where drooling while the girls were gossiping. Welcome to School Life.

"Well, look who's here, exactly 45 minutes before lunch starts, who knew you could be so punctual, Alina." Stein said with a creepy smile.

"Well, who knew you cared so much. Where do I sit?" I retorted. (does this count as retorting??)

"Well, this is very unfortunate for you because I have no empty seats. You have that choice to stay outside.... or sit in the corner and be my assistant for the day. Choose." He said.

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