Mission...My Ass

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"Just so you know, Crona's happy that he's with me, by the way. He has been asking for his sister. Are you still her? Or, are you finally going to let him go? Your choice. Or, to put it in simpler words, your friends that you made here, or Crona. The offer doesn't have an expiration date, so be free to tell me what your answer is. I know how long you've been wanting to see him. Here a picture of home when you and him were little." She said putting the picture in the pocket of my dark blue skinny jeans that was on the chair next to the bed.

My friends or my brother, you played a nice bargain Medusa, what a nice bargain you played. Just wait till you hear my answer.

As she walked away, I could tell she thought I was going to go back to Crona, without a doubt I would. But, I know she wouldn't stop one of her greatest experiments, she had to keep working with him. He's a tough kid, I know that for sure.

"Hello Doctor Medusa, is Alina awake?" I heard a familiar voice say.

"Why yes she is, come in."

"Alina, Alina, Alina. I told you not to use so much power. Why didn't you listen to me?" Stein asked.

"Because, I was to busy being pissed off, you went and got a mission? What the hell?" I replied.

"I didn't think you would care if I got one or not", he said. "Well, now you know that I do care. Just let me sleep for a couple hours, okay? We'll do the mission tomorrow? Okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure. Make sure to get some rest, you were almost all out of power." He demanded.

"Yea-Yea. See you later" I yelled as he walked out of the infirmary. I sensed a soul next to the doorway. I wasn't getting up, plus, I'm so lazy that just putting my arm up and saying 'to faaaarr' is a lot of work. That's how bad my laziness is. I feel so pathetic.

"Who's there?" I asked loud enough so that the person could hear me. Them I heard footsteps running from the door. Indicating this he/she was running away from the door. I wonder who it was. Whatever.

"Alina!!! Alina!!! Alina?!?!" I heard Maka say. She came running with Soul, BlackStar and Tsubaki hot on her tail. "I can hear you just fine Maka, I'll be fine. I just need some rest." I said, feeling very, weird. I've never befriended anybody in such a short amount of time. I've only known them for a day, after all.

"Ok, that's good." Tsubaki interrupted. She turned her head to Maka and the boys and said, "lets just go, she needs a lot of rest to get through the day." While she said this, she was tucking in the ends of the bed sheets/comforter. She acts so much like a mother, I swear.

"You guys should go ahead. I'll catch up with you guys in a bit, ok?" Maka announced. She started walking towards me. But before she could sit down, she pulled up a chair and brought it to the bed.

"I need help, and I think you can help me." She said. She had a really worried/concerned look on her face. As if she was asking me to challenge Lord Death to a fight to the death.... "Erm.... um.... Never mind, it's stupid. Hope you feel better, Alina!" She yelled as she got up from the chair, scooted the chair back and walked out of the infirmary.

Well...... that was strange. I wonder what she wanted to ask me......

After about 5 minutes of staring at the ceiling, I decided to go to sleep. Within about 5 more minutes, I fell into a deep sleep.

~TimeSkip (Into the Next Day)~

When I had finally awoken, I thought I slept for a millennium. As my vision unblurred itself, I saw that everyone was surrounding the bed. Maka, Soul, BlackStar, Tsubaki, Liz, Patty, Kid, Stein, and worst of all, Spirit. What is he doing here? He doesn't even know me.

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