Chaptre Five - Sheriff Socks 😏🤠

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Chaotwr Five
Sheriff Socks 😏🤠

One month later

We went back to Italy to Sock's mafia.

"Hi I'm TatterToff and I sell crack cocaine-" GUNSHOT

I turned to socks who put their gun away.

"Bae why'd you kill them 🥺"

"I hate fags"

"Bae that's a slur against people with foot fetishes you can't say that"

Then me and socks had really awkward eye contact for seventeen whole minutes as TatterToff's dead body jsut like...laid there.


"Nurghdbbh I'm a zombie" they growled and socks shot them seventeen more times.

Suddenly a limo pulled up and socks swept me into their arms.

"Bae, I'm about to take you on the best night of your life" xe said romantically

Ten minutes later

"Bae...why are we at a fucking McDonalds."

"Y/N shut up and let me eat my French fries in peace lol"

I started crying and suddenly some dude appeared out of no where

"Hi u r seggzy wanna fuck in the parking lot"

"Who the frick frack diddly dack are you?????" I asked crying.

"I'm Zhenny and I'm the sherif of this town and I'm so much more cooler than you"









Socks blew the smoke out of their pistol as Zhennys body fell to the ground.

"There's only room for one sherif in this town, partner" they said mysteriously as they stepped down from the table, feet crunching against the dirt.

"Oh darlin' that was so amazing" I told him as I ran up to him.

"Of course Y/N, I'm a pretty amazing person" Socks said back as a tumbleweed tumbled past us.

In the background, Wild West music started playing.

Suddenly Socks whistled and their horse appeared out of no where.

"You have a horse?!?" I exclaimed as they got on its back.

"I always have, it's name is Chron and it's kind of quirky but whatever lol"


Socks held out their hand for me to take.

"Ride with me, Y/N, ride with me into the sunset."

I took their hand and they pulled me onto the horses back and together we ran off into the sunset.

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