Episode 1 - Get Out Of My Sight

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At the age of eight they argued just because they don't like seeing each  other's faces

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At the age of eight they argued just because they don't like seeing each  other's faces. They find it annoying when they are being together but guess what they don't have any choice because their parents always finds a way for them to be friends. Both families were rooting for them to be lovers when they grow up. Their Moms were both best friends but their children were opposite to them. They were born in the same day on February 23, 1993 and even on the same hospital. They were neighborhoods since the day when they are born. Both have a complete family and has a comfortable home to live.

"I'm Ethan Blake Chadwick. My family calls me Blake. Friends calls me Ethan. Whatever call me whatever you want. Anyways I have this annoying neighbor who is actually my enemy since the day we were born. See? even birthdays we share this sucks, eh. I will never be friend with this girl. She is really mean. Really mean. She even bite my hand." Ethan said.

[Flashback when they were still kids.]

Dixie continuosly cries.

"What are you crying for? You cry too loud plus your disgusting runny nose, eww. Wipe it. Can you stop? It is really annoying." Ethan laughs and teases her non stop.

Dixie continuosly cries even louder.

Ethan can't resist it so he apologize to her afterwards. He said "Okay, I am sorry. I'm sorry. I was just kidding." he patted her back to calm her down.

She bit Ethan's hand and went back to her room.

"Aww what was that for? geez." Ethan said.

[Flashbacks stops]

"Dixie Blair Mccoy. Yup, that's me the one and only. Pretty sassy like me right? Anyways Dixie for short. I have something to share you. You wanna know what it is? Alright. Well this annoying neighbor of mine snores really loud. Really loud that I even heard his snoring sound next to our house. His parents always leaves for work that's why he always visit at our house. Our house is next to each other and has a same placement of room. So like we can literally see each other's faces every morning through window."


Ethan snores so loud non stop.

Dixie can't sleep. She wanted to shout and told him "quiet" but she can't since it is really late. So what she did is she covered her ears with her pillow.

"Ughh, why am I living next to him? His loud snoring really annoys me. Shit!" Dixie said.

[Flashback stops]

Dixie's Mom prepared food for her lunch. Everyday. Even she is already not a kid anymore.

"Bye Mom. I'll go ahead I am going to be late." Dixie said.

"Wait, here. Take this. Don't forget to eat your lunch okay? And please go home with Ethan. Understood?" Mom said.

"Maaaa, I ain't a kid anymore. Why are you still doing this?" Dixie replied.

"You are still my baby. Stop complaining. Now go you are going to be late. Ethan is waiting outside for the bus. Go with him." Mom said.

"Ugh!" Dixie rolled her eyes and leaves.

The bus stops and they are quickly going inside the bus just to argue with one seat next to the window.

"Hey this is mine. Get out!!" Dixie said.

"You get out I waited for a bus and got inside first so obviously it is my seat. Go find another seat. Asshole." Ethan replied.

"Asshole huh? Well let me remind you that I have a name and it is sassy as me. You freaking idiot. This is mine get out of here." Dixie said.

"How come it is your seat? Does it have a name on it? Where? I can't see it. You don't own this. You are really annoying!" Ethan replied.

They are quarrelling non stop and that everyone in the bus is watching them fighting over one seat.

Quarrel stops and Ethan gave up.

"Fine it's yours now. Go get it. Eat it if you want." Ethan said.

"That's right loser. Get outta here." Dixie replied and rolled her eyes.

"That's right keep rolling your eyes and maybe you will find your freaking brain right there. Annoying!" Ethan's great comeback.

"Blah blah. I don't hear anything. Does someone talk?" Dixie said and listened to music with her earphones until they reach in their school.

After 15 minutes they arrived. Ethan got outside first from the bus and leaves Dixie inside sleeping.

"Hey we are here. Wake up!" the driver shouted.

Dixie woke up and apologized.

"He just leaves me? I hate this Ethan. I will fucking kill you. He didn't even wake me up. I hate you. I hate you." Dixie said angrily.

Ethan arrives and walking along the path heading to his classroom wearing his uniform with his specs and running his fingers through his hair.  Ladies were screaming because of his charm and handsome look. Ethan is a campus crush. Everyone always asks for a picture of him. Girls bravely flirt and even courted him. Ethan flirts back and plays around them.

"OMG he is here."
"Guys Ethan is here."
"Shoot he is fucking handsome."
"I wanna volunteer to be his girlfriend."
"My future husband!!"

A girl asks for a picture of him with her. "Hi can we take a picture?"

"Sure. Give me your phone." Ethan replied.
"Thank you!" she smiled.
"My pleasure." he said and smiled.

"Oh my God did he just smile at me? His smile already makes me pregnant." she added.

Love was on her way to classroom and talking to herself saying "These people in here is overreacting and annoying. Is he even that handsome? Eww he looks freaking hideous for me." she said while rolling her eyes again.

Ethan was already in the classroom sitting and chit chatting with his friends. Dixie just got arrive and talk to him immediately. She pulled his shirt and force him to talk with her.

"Hey you. Did you know what I said earlier in the bus?" Dixie said.

"How would I know? You are sleeping there beside me with your mouth widely open." Ethan replied.

"What the fuck? You didn't even tell me that we already arrive. You didn't even dare to wake me up. You shithead. I would literally kill you if you do this again." Dixie said angrily.

"Hmm is that it? Are you done? Well my work here is done. I am busy. Stop annoying me. Even here you keep arguing with me you immature!!" Ethan smirked and furrowed his eyebrows while telling this to her in a mean way.

"Ugh why is he like this? Fuck!" Dixie talking to herself and puts her bag on her seat.

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