Episode 4 - Unlucky Day

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After their class Ethan went on a date with Chance and drive her with his newly cleaned Porsche car. He opened a door for her.

"Get inside!" he said.
"Hmm thank you" she smiled.

Dixie and Alex went together to eat after their class too. They arrived at the place first. Dixie didn't know Ethan will take Chance in there.

"Take this. It tastes so good."
"Okay!" tastes the food that is offered by Alex.

"Mmm you're right! Open your mouth." Dixie fed Alex.

Alex opened her mouth and accepts the food. "Ahhhhh mmm!" she smiled.

Ethan opened the door and gets inside the fast food resto. Dixie saw them and told Alex "Hey let's go!"

"But I haven't finish my meal yet."
"I'll leave you then."
"No no I will come with you. Wait!" drinking her drink as fast as she can before they leave.
"Aish faster!"

Ethan didn't notice them leaving.

"Why are you so in a hurry?" Alex asks.
"Uhh diarrhea."

Now that they are away from them they had a chit chat while walking.

Ethan becomes gentleman to Chance. He pulled a chair for her and even fed her.

"Let me pull a chair for you!"
"Thank you."

They ordered and wait for their food to arrive.

"Maam sir here's the food that you ordered."
"Thanks!" Ethan said.
"Let's eat!" he added.

After eating Ethan drive her home. Chance thank him a lot.

Dixie finally got home after their chit chat with Alex. Ethan also got arrive. They arrive at the same time. Ethan wondering why she just got home.

"Hey, where did you go? Why did you arrive just now?" Ethan asks.
"Why did you arrive just now too?"
"I already told you that I have a date. Ah whatever I'll go inside."
"Tsk!" she rolled her eyes and gets inside.

"Ma I'm home." Dixie said.
"Why are you late?"
"Sorry I didn't ask permission. I am meeting Alex earlier."
"Alex? a boy?"
"No mom. Alex is a she. We just met earlier and did a little meal and talk."
"Ahhh okay next time you have to ask permission first okay?"
"Okay mom sorry."
"How's Ethan?"
"Why are you asking?"
"His mom asks what he is doing since they aren't home yet."

"Uhhh dating. I'll go upstairs." Dixie goes upstair heading to her room.

"Dating? Who?" Mom shouted.
"Goodnight!!" Dixie shouted.

"This can't be!" Mom talking to herself.

Tomorrow morning Dixie and Ethan arrived together at school. Chance approach Dixie and asks a favor.

"Oh hi Chance. Why so early?" Ethan asks.
"Ah nothing I just wanted to be early just now." she replied.
"Ah let's go?"
"Actually I have to talk to Dixie first."

Ethan looking at Dixie.

"Me? Why? What do you want to talk about?" Dixie responded.
"Uhhh I guess we have to talk privately? Excuse us Ethan. I'll see you later."
"Alright see you." Ethan replied and leaves.

"So what are we going to talk about Chance? Is there something wrong?"
"Oh no no. You see me and Ethan just knew each other."
"I approached you because I wanted to know him more. You seem really close. Something like what he likes or dislikes. Tell me."
"Hmm I don't know much of him. We aren't that close..." she paused.
"What? You are always together though. How come you aren't close?"
"Maybe because we are neighbors. That's why we come here together often and go home together sometimes."
"Anyways he likes Charlie."

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