Episode 6 - Sports Club

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Ethan accepted the dog that Chance gave but he can't just adopt a dog again so what he did is he gave it to the kid that he saw in the streets.

"Sorry. I can't be your owner. I'll find you a new owner where they will take care and protect you." Ethan said while carrying the dog.

He saw a kid and approach her.

"Hi. Do you want to own a dog?" Ethan bends his knees and asks.
"Yes." the kid smiled.
"Here take him. You can name him whatever you want. But on one condition."
"What is it?"
"Promise me to take care and protect him okay?"
"Hmm deal!"
"Here!" he gave the puppy.
"Aww he is so cute. Hmm how 'bout I'll call you Ellie? Isn't that good?"
"Ellie? nice name. Anyways I have to go now kid. Bye." he patted the kid's head.
"Bye thank you. I can't wait to take you home Ellie." the smiled so happily.

[Flashback stops]

Alex approach Dix immediately and asks about Ethan. Alex wraps her arms around her shoulder and walks all along until they reach in their own classroom.

"You hang out often with your bodyguard huh? What is his name again? Eeee... I know it started with an E."
"I don't know and I don't want to talk about it."
"Your mood always change whenever I ask about him eh? You are really moody."
"I ain't I just have a violent reaction to stupid people."

"There your room is there right? I'll see you later. Bye!" she pointed at Alex's classroom.

"Geez this girl talk too much!" she added.

Their Professor made them group by three for their project. Ethan already partnered with Chance but they lack one member. Dixie can't find even one partner for the project.

Professor asks everyone if they already form a group that consists of three members "Does everyone have a group now?"

One of their classmates shouts "Sir Dix haven't find a group yet."

Ethan looking at her.

"Who else lacks a member?" Professor asks.
"Us sir. Me and Ethan lack of one member." Chance raised her hand and responded.

"Okay. Dix you can go with them."

Dix looking at them and wondered "Ugh why do I have to be with them?"

"Okay sir." Dix responded.

Ethan and Dix eyes met.

"Hi Dix. I am so glad we are partners." Chance said.

Dix forcefully smiled.

"Okay now that everyone has a group I wanted to you to make each club that you want. Discuss it with your group and make sure you agreed to it. Is that clear? I'll give you 5 minutes to discuss."
"Yes sir!" students responded.

"I actually have thought about this how 'bout a beauty club?" Chance asks.
"I-I don't think so." Dix replied.

"Hmm okay how 'bout film club? I'm pretty sure you will agree to this."

Ethan shook his head saying no.

"Guuuys please help think. I don't know what you guys like."

Ethan and Dix responded at the same time saying "Sports Club." Their eyes once met again.

"What? You guys serious? I'm not into that. But majority wins. So sport club it is." Chance pouted.

"So what are we gonna do with that?" Chance asks.

Dix wondered "Is she serious too? Like she doesn't know even one about it. The fuck."

"Oh anyways sport clubs provide an opportunity for children and youth to learn skills that will help them in school, as well as in their future careers and personal relationship." Dix responded.

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