Episode 8 - Another day means Another Quarrel

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They finally reached their destination. Dix is sitting beside Alex and in front of Ethan.

They had a talk while eating. Alex told them to leave them for first and said "Uh guys I'll go the restroom first."

"I'll come with you." Dix said.
"No I'm fine. Just sit there and eat."
"See ya."

Dix sighed.

"Too bad." Ethan said.
"Ah nothing I was just thinking something."

Dix hesitating to talk with him but then end up asking him something to avoid the awkwardness.

"Why did you say 'yes'?
"What do you mean?"
"Duh? Are you having an amnesia? Earlier Alex just invited you to come here."
"Well why not? And you just said she invited me here so why would I say no? It was 'she' who invited me not 'you' inviting me."
"You asked."
"Whatever. Annoying. Why didn't you come with Chance instead of interrupting us?"
"Why do you care?"
"I ain't."
"Well how 'bout you and Bruce?"
"Bryce! Wait how did you knew his name?"
"I heard it. He introduced his name to you right?"
"Did you just eavesdropping us?"
"His voice was loud and annoying. So eavesdrop? hmm I say no."
"You! Don't change the subject to Bruce from Chance."
"To answer your question. We broke up."
"I didn't love her in the first place anyways. I was just playing games with her."
"You know what you are so rude!"
"Who cares?" Ethan continues eating.

Alex finally came.

"Finally you are back." Dix said it in relief.
"Why? Is there something that I am missing with?"
"Nothing." Ethan replied.
"Great. Let's eat."

While there are still a lot of food on their table and still eating Alex wanted to know about them more.

"You know what it is getting boring. I wanted to ask you both. I wanted to know you more and since you already knew each other before me. How's that sound?
"No thanks." Dix replied.

"I'm good with it." Ethan said.

Dix stared at him furiously.

"Nice. So how did you guys met?"

Dix was eating minding her own business while Ethan was staring at her.

"It's our parents."
"Oh- kay? What about your parents?"
"Both families were really good friends. I mean my Mom and hers were bestfriends."
"That's good but it was like the opposite of both of you."

Ethan smirked.

"How did your parents met and knew each other?"
"They were neighbors since then and until now."
"Oh so you and..." Alex looked at Dix.
"Yes. We're neighbors 'til now."

"Hell yeah and it's too tiring and boring to see his face each and every day." Dix added.
"So am I. I am really fed up seeing her face."
"Well why not shut your eyes so that you won't see me anymore."
"Well since it was your idea why don't you try it first?"
"Why should I adjust for you? You try it."
"No you try it."

"Guys guys stop. Stop it. I can't with your quarrel. You look like kids quarreling over something. Geez." Alex stopped them.

Someone called Alex on the phone. She told both of them to leave first as she will be meeting someone.

"Uh guys? I have to leave."
"What why?" Dix raising her voice.
"I just forgot I am meeting someone this day. Sorry. I'll make it up soon. I just have to go. Byeee neighbors!"

"Ugh why is she like this!" she crossed her arms.
"This is your fault!" she walks out.

"Why me?" he followed her all the way out.
"Dix!" he shouted.

REMEMBER WHENOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora