Episode 2 - Don't Mess Up With Me

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Later in the afternoon a group of mean girls were talking behind Dixie's back. Dixie fights back and defends herself from them.

"Look at how rude this girl is."
"Hey are you deaf?"

"Ah shit here we go again." Dixie stops from walking and sighed. She scratched her head and cracked her head as if she was warming up for a fight.

"What do you want from me now?" Dixie replied.

"What are you and Ethan?"
"Yeah, why are you always together? You don't even look good with each other."
"He is too good just to end up just like you." looking at Dixie from head to toe.

"What the fuck? Are you fucking serious? Do you know what are you saying? Okay if that is what you want then I will answer it. We aren't in a relationship. Is that it? Do you want me to shout to just hear by everyone in the campus? Or should I use megaphone? Good idea." Dixie replied and turns her back away from them minding her own business.

One of the girls pulled her hair and pushed her. She didn't expect that was coming. She was on the ground while she was getting beaten by them. Dixie fights back and pushed them with a strong force using his foot.

"How dare you push me! You really want to pick a fight with me huh? Come here. I will just teach you a lesson." Dixie looking mean and furrowed her eyebrows.

"Look at this bitch!"

"Bitch? Don't you dare even call me bitch because I am more evil than that." Dixie and her great comebacks.

Ethan saw her picking a fight again and tries to stop them from fighting.

"Hey, what's up? What's wrong in here?" Ethan interrupted in the middle of their fight.

"She pushed us."
"Yes Ethan she even called us bitch."
"See how mean she is to us. We were just trying to be friends with her."

"What the fuck? Can you stop playing a victim here. The audacity of y'all twisting some words. You know what I'm outta here. Get lost you scumbags and oh bring this trash too. Take him like it is all yours. I don't care! Don't ever mess up with me. You don't know what else I can do." she answered rudely.

"You see what I mean Ethan?"

Ethan leaves the mean girls all of a sudden.

"Eh? He just leaves? That's it?"
"How sad. But it's okay atleast he is on our side."
"I feel like I wanted to kiss his lips. He is so fucking hot."
"Hey no he's mine."

They chuckled.

Ethan and Dixie were finally home together.

"Oh Dix, you are here. Where's Ethan?" Mom said.

"Ma, I went back with him. Is it okay now?" Dix answered.

"Good then. Come let's eat sit here."

Dixie sits.

"Mom? Dad? Where are you?" Ethan finding his parents to ask permission.

"Here son."
"Oh hi Mom. What are you doing? I can help you."
"Your smile and the way you talk says it all. What is it? I know you already. I know you have something to ask again."
"Hehe. Can I ask permission?"
"What is it?"
"You see my friends invited me to hang out somewhere..."
"And they wanted you to be in there? Ah fine fine. Do whatever you want. But just don't do anything bad okay? Or else you will be punish!"
"Alright Ma. Thank you. I love you. You are really the prettiest Mom. I mean it. Hehe."
"Stop teasing around."
"I ain't. It's true."
"Invite Dix if you want."
"Ah it's all boys, Mom. I don't want her to be in there. Something might happen to her."
"Ah worried. I see."
"What? Eww no. By the way I'll go ahead now. Bye Ma. Pa I'll go ahead."
"Alright son. Take care." his father said.

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