Episode 12 - Part Two

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We went to the golf course together. It's one of our favorite sport. I know how to play but you still taught me the correct posture. You are at my back guiding me and holding my hands while I am holding the grip. I look at you and was mesmerized by your face and your deep voice. You seem pretty attractive though.

"Hold the grip tight enough to barely squeeze some paste out of the tip. Bend your knees a little bit to get some added stability. Now swing!"

I paused and didn't heard your voice.

"Hey what are you doing? I said swing!"

I snapped out.

"Huh? What?"

"I already taught you the proper posture. What are you gonna do next?"

"Right, of course!"

I began to swing and guess what the ball shoots to the hole. I did it. I did it like a pro.

"Wow!" Ethan was surprised.

I smiled so widely.

"I can't believe you did that. Cool!"

He kept complimenting me. He said I did good but it was all because of you.

We keep playing until we got tired. We sat on the ground sweating, gasping and talk whatever we want just like what we did yesterday.

"Are you having fun?" he asks.

I nodded.

"Tiring but fun!" I replied.

"You are sweating. Here take my hanky."

"Thanks!" I wiped it all over my face. I sweat really bad.

I asked him "Why are always in the bar?"

"Why did you ask?"

"I just want to know. Is it bad to ask?"


"So why?"

"You don't need to know why."

"Ah you are being an asshole again!"

"Call me whatever you want I don't care."

"So mean!"

"You are meaner."

"I don't want to talk to you anymore. I'll go!" I crossed my arms and pouted.

You are really quick-tempered. I just don't want you to know what I did there. Here I am again stopping you just by pulling your hand towards me.

I slipped because you pulled my hand. You shouldn't do that.

"What?" Dix asks.

"Fine. I'll tell you!"

I smiled and replied "Good!"

"You already know what's inside the bar don't you?"

I nodded.

"And what people usually do there?"


"That's it!"

"No way."

"Yes way. It's fun there. I always go there back and forth. Bar is my comfort and my happy place. I mean sort of."

"You mean drinking is fun? Flirting around with girls is fun?"

"Why not?"


"That's what I do. I don't wanna share the rest."

"You think playing games with girls is good?"

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