what does suna do when you don't reply to his messages for days

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˚◞♡ [originally posted on my tumblr account: rinyagi


SUNA wasn't worried at first, thinking that you might just be playing a prank on him like you always do. but when this 'prank' prolonged, his worries grew. you never missed any call from him, and even if you did, you would've responded to his previous texts late explaining what you were doing that took you so long. he couldn't go to your prefecture either, since it was a long distance relationship and while you were in tokyo, he was at osaka. not having any choices left, suna decided to contact one of your batchmates, who soon explained that it was exams week and you were piled up with projects that had upcoming deadlines. satisfied with the answer, suna thanked your batchmate and hang up, decided to wait for your exams to end. when he finally receives a single text from you, suna was over the moon and immediately called to facetime you, talking and questioning about your week and how you did on the exams. 

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