dicks dicks and more dicks

331 9 1

I was still tired from last night, so to went up to jack. "do you think we can go home, so I can get some new clothes on?"
"ugh, yeah. let's tell Sam though"
I went to go look, but I suddenly had the urge to pee. I went to the bathroom in the hallway, the door was unlocked, so I just walked in the find Nate taking a crap. ew. I am now mentally scared forever. I then went into Emily's room because who would be in there? Again, the door wasn't locked so I walked in to see Johnson taking his dick out to piss. that's just great, I've now seen two of my closest friends dicks. disgusting. My last resort was Sammy's room, so I went in there thinking I might not walk in on someone. boy was I wrong, I had the fortune of seeing Samuel pee, while on his phone looking at god knows what. this time I had to say something.
"oh my gosh! really!?! did this really have to happen for the firkin third time?!?!" I yelled while walking out of the bathroom. I went and laid down on his bed. the toilet flushed and out walked Sammy.
"yes? yes it did?" he said confused.
"I've seen a total of three dicks this morning. first was Nate's, then Johnson's, and now yours."I said putting my hands over my eyes.
"it's alright kitten" he said scooting closer to me " you probably enjoyed it" he said cheekily. "definitely not all of them"
"then whose?"
"now why would I tell you that?"
"because if you don't I'll tickle you"
"I don't believe you..." I said standing up
"oh really now?"
"yup." I said that really shortly and started running for the front door. unfortunately I have short legs so Sam go there before I did.
"did you really think you would beat me?"
"not really but it was worth a shot" I said leaning closer to him. I got closer and closer and closer just before we were about to kiss I turned the door knob and sprinted out leaving him stunned. I hopped into the car where Jack was waiting.
"what took so long?"
"you don't want to know"
I then got a text from Sam saying "until next time kitten😘💦"
- 4 hours later
I was getting bored at the Gilinsky house hold and jack had left to go hang out with Sydney, so I decided to call Cacy.
"who is this?"
"oh, right, sorry. it's Chloe"
"oh hey girl! what's up?!"
"nothing actually, that's why I'm calling you"
"oh, well I'm going to the mall if you want to join"
"sounds good"
"We'll pick you up on our way out"
"alright. who's coming?"
"just you, JJ, Sammy and I" damn
"amazing! I'll be ready in like 10 minutes!"
"cool! see you soon!"
I changed into my white halter top and a pink skater skirt with my floral kimono and flower crown. I put some make up on and I was ready. right after I sat on the couch I heard honking outside. I grabbed my purse and ran out the door.
"hello beautiful" sam said holding the jeep door open and kissing my cheek.
"aweeeee, you guys are so cute" Cacy said. I blushed. I sat in the back with sam, he kept inching his hand toward mine so I just took his. he smiled. we finally got to the mall. Sam and I went to Hot Topic while JJ and Cacy went to the Vans store. We were looking around and finally we got bored. I then convinced him to go into VS bc me loving the that store is an under statement. we went in and I got sized bc it's been a while.
" 34 c" said the lady
"okay thank you" I said taking the little card and walking away. I went over to find Sam looking at the panties.
"what about these?" I said picking up a thong with filly things on the side.
"that's nice but I like this more" he said picking up a pair of see through undies with bells on them.
"omg. how about no." he started laughing. I picked out a couple of undies and then went over the swim suits.
"this is cute" I said holding up a bikini
"yeah, I would love to see it on you" he winked. I blushed. I then went to the checkout line and got my things. we got hungry and decided to go to the food court. we were holding hands. eeeeep!
i ordered us a large vanilla shake with a large French fry. we were sitting waiting for out food when he started talking.
"yes Samuel?"
"would you like to be my girlfriend?"
"omg. of course I would!" I said kissing him. best. day. ever.

a/n: I'm so so so so so so so so so so sorry I haven't been updating, I've been super busy with school. but I'm trying my hardest! thanks for the 1k reads! love you guys!

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