"Third." he paused and cheekily smirked at me.

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it was about 12:30 and honesty, I was starting to get tired. I was looking for Sammy to tell him I was going to go into his room. Instead I was pulled by Nate pulled me into a grinding circle.wtf Sammy was there.
"Hey coco, you know how to twerk right?"
"ugh yeah, why?" I questioned him
"I wanna see you do it, you should be an expert by now" Sam said winking cheekily
"Alright" I smirked
The people made a circle quickly.
"This is whats going to happen. First," he said putting one finger up "we are going to have girls volunteer to twerk. Second we are going to play one of Chloe's favorite songs. Third." he paused. and cheekily smirked at me.dear lord "These fine ladies will twerk. On us"
All the guys started yelling. I saw Kelsey and grabbed her. Of course Sammy picked our mains who consists of ; Him, Gilinsky, JJ, Nate, and Mike. There was a few guys and girls I didn't recognize. The guys picked the girls, Sam first. Of course he pick me. Then Nate, he picked Kelsey. Gilinsky picked a girl a that was about 5'5 with long brown hair, she looked familiar. Mike picked some random chick idk who the heck she was, but she looked like a hooker. She even had those big ass hoop earrings on, as Klohe Kardashian would say "The bigger the hoop the bigger the how" JJ picked this girl that I had been talking to earlier, she seemed cool, I never got her name. It was time for my song, instead of one song I put on my playlist named "Party people👅❤️" this is just a few of the songs;
You and your friends
Hands on the wheel
I got your girl like
Base down low
Someone started playing the songs, it was time to start.
First was Mike, holy crap did that girl suck, she barely had an ass to twerk, let alone the muscle. Obviously she was out. Then it was Kels, I knew that she had could possibly be able to do it, she wasn't bad, but I knew I could beat her. Next was Anika which was Gilinsky's girl. She was actually good, I had a little competition. Then it was Cacy's turn, that was Johnson's girlfriend apparently. She was really good, I had the most competition with her. Now it was my turn. Currently one of my favorite songs was playing, it is called Bubblegum by Jason Derulo. I walked over to Sammy who was sitting in a chair, I went to his ear.
"Are you ready?" I whispered
I stood back and looked into his eyes, they were getting dark.
I turned around and squatted over his lap, I made sure there was little space. Then I did my thing and went wild. After I was done I was sweating and Sammy's face was blown away. After that the boys kicked everyone out. At this time it was around 2 I had gone to Sammy's room and took off my shoes and shorts. I grabbed one of his shirts from his drawer. Then I went to the bathroom and took off my make up. by the time I got into bed it was 2:30. I heard the door open, it was Sam. He just took off his shirt and changed into basketball shorts. He got in bed and cuddled up next to me. The last thing I remember was falling asleep on his chest.

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