Old Best Friend

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Chloe's POV

I had gotten out of the shower and dressed in my billabong strapless dress, and my white juicy couture sandals. I then braided my hair. I got down stairs to see Jack sitting at the counter
"we are going to Sammy's. you ready?"
"okay, just let me grab my purse"
"k, I'll be in the car"
I grabbed my purse and went to the the car. I got in and Jack had already started the car.
*5 minutes later*
we parked in front of his house, oh how it was the same from when we were younger. We walked to the door and walked in. When we reached the living room Mrs.Wilkinson was there.
"Oh my gosh! Chloe! I haven't seen you in like forever! You've grown so much." she said while squeezing me to death
We finally let go and Sammy was walking out of the kitchen with who I was assuming Emily. he came and hugged me. the girl wasn't Emi, but she looked familiar. 💡
"OH MY GOSH KELSEY!!!!!!!!! I HAVENT SEEN YOU IN FOREVER" I said hugging her
"I know, I miss seeing you"
Kelsey was my best friend since for ever. We sat on the couch and talked while the boys were on their phones.
"Hey, do you guys want to have a party tonight?" Sammy asked
"ugh... I guess"
"Okay, my parents are leaving at 7:45 and it's currently 7:30"
"k, well why doesn't Jack take me back to the house so I can grab some stuff and come back to get ready."
I hugged Kels then Jack and I left.

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