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Explosions and distant voices of men screaming were all that anyone could hear on the battlefield. A young Jedi-General was leading the charge against the droid army that was holding the planet under Separatist control and starving the population. His name was Andreas Martin and he was leading his legion, the 305th, against the Separatist forces on the planet of Yerbana. While he attacked smaller droid forces in commando raid-style attacks, the 501st and the 212th were attacking a larger force on the other side of the planet.

General Andreas Martin: Keep firing men! We have to hold on till Kenobi or Skywalker arrives. Where are those kriffing reinforcements? We were expecting them two rotations ago.

He eventually received a transmission but it wasn't from Kenobi or Skywalker.

Voice: General, we're receiving a transmission from General Kenobi. Separatist forces are in full retreat and reinforcements will be here in minutes. Both he and Skywalker were summoned back to their ship. Someone named Fulcrum needed to speak with them.

He looked down at his holo-transmitter on his arm to see Captain Anthony or CT-2078. He was one of the oldest clones in his battalion who had served Andreas in the First Battle of Geonosis. He had lost an eye and was given a replacement one on Kamino. Andrew had lost an arm and a leg in an earlier attack on the planet of Christophsis.

General Andreas Martin: {Confused} Fulcrum? It can't be Saw Gerrara unless the siege of Onderon has gone out of control. {Realizes something}If this "Fulcrum" wanted to see both of them in person, it could be his former apprentice Ahsoka Tano. Anakin devised that term to communicate with the rebels on Onderon and she must have adapted it to herself. Anyway, we should get moving if we're going to meet those reinforcements.

After the defeat of the tactical droid by Anakin Skywalker, all fronts on Yerbana were falling to the 501st, the 212th, and the 305th battalions. Eventually, the two divisions arrived with the reinforcements necessary to finally take the planet. It only took a few hours until the planet was finally secured. A few hours later, Andreas was informed that Count Dooku was killed at the battle of Coruscant.

General Andreas Martin: I can't believe that Dooku is dead. Perhaps this means the war could be over shortly.

Clone Trooper: General Martin, what are your orders, sir?

General Andreas Martin: Perhaps we should set up aid stations for the civilians who were starved by the Separatists. Captain Anthony, take your men and begin setting up those aid stations. I'll be along shortly.

Captain Anthony: Yes sir!

General Andreas Martin: [Whispers to himself] May the force be with you, my old master.

A few days later, they were informed that General Grievous and the Separatist Council were located on Utapau. The 212th legion was being sent to deal with them and hopefully end the war. Before the battle on Yerbana, Anthony had removed his bio-chip after investigating the deaths of clone troopers Tup and Fives of the 501st. The men had set up the aid stations while others returned to the venator that was in orbit for medical attention. One night as the men were getting ready for another evening to draw to a close, one of the other clones received a transmission from the chancellor.

Chancellor Palpatine/Darth Sidious: Execute order 66...

Andrew Markos: A New War BeginsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora