Chapter 4: Escape from Geonosis

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In the first attack, the Imperial Fleet attempted to simply destroy the ship by firing upon them but the clones had upgraded the shields to be far stronger than they were even in the clone wars. 

Commander Cara Lambra: What’s the status on their shields? 

Imperial Officer: Our bombardment has not been very effective and has done little to damage their ship. 

Imperial Officer #2: Ma’am, they’re launched fighters! 

Commander Cara Lambra: Then what are you waiting for, captain? Launch all fighters to attack! We don’t want to disappoint our emperor. 

A light cruiser moved into the planet’s atmosphere and sent bombers to turn any large structures or mountains into dust and draw out the clones. As they saw bombers approaching, some of the clones were able to pull out a pulse rifle and a rocket launcher. 

Commander Oliver: Hey Anthony, fire a warning shot at ‘em. 

Captain Anthony: Uh sir, this is a rocket launcher. 

Commander Oliver: So what, just fire it, Anthony. 

Captain Anthony: Yes sir. {Fires and hits two bombers in one shot} 

They were eventually able to make it back to the ship. The clones managed to defeat wave upon wave of tie fighters. 

Andrew Markos: Commander, what’s the status of their fighters? 

Commander Oliver: We estimate they have about 100 fighters or less remaining between the various destroyers. We don’t think they have any more by this point to be a serious threat.

Andrew Markos: That’s good to hear but we should still be cautious. Now we need to take out those cruisers.

 Andrew eventually joined the dogfight and led the clones back into the battle under heavy fire. He jumped into his fighter and began a bombing run on the cruisers. 

Andrew Markos: All wings report in. 

Clone Pilot: Corporal Ace reporting in! Shadow squadron and the rest of the ghosts are ready to fight!

The 305th legion was called the ghost fleet since they used speed to attack the enemy and immediately vanish without a trace.

Andrew Markos: Alright men, we need to take out those cruisers if we’re going to escape and disable the weapons of the other destroyer. You have your targets. Good luck and may the force be with us.

It didn’t take long before the first cruiser was destroyed by several y-wing bombings. As they moved to the second cruiser, they were under heavy fire yet still were victorious. They had to return to the ship to refill with more fuel and munitions. After a brief barrage of fire from the Warhammer, the Imperial Star Destroyer had no functioning weapons. The stormtroopers and technicians began rushing to quickly repair the weapons array. Andrew and his fighters made their way back to the Warhammer.  He quickly made his way back to the bridge where he was receiving a transmission from the imperial who was leading the fight against his battalion. 

Commander Cara Lambra: This is Commander Cara Lambra of the Imperial Navy. You and your clone army are very impressive but otherwise outdated. Now I will give you a choice. Surrender or prepare to be boarded. 

Andrew Markos: I don’t exactly think you’re the one who has a good bargaining chip here commander. My men and I destroyed both of your light cruisers and your starfighter core. 

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