Chapter 8: The Hunt Begins

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Meanwhile, on the island, Thrawn and Ezra returned to the wreckage of the Chimera after a long time hunting and gathering food and supplies. After Thrawn had shot him years prior and they had crashed on Dornea, Ezra was forced to replace his arm with a metallic replacement. While it was awkward to use at first, Thrawn had assured Ezra that he would adjust in time to the prosthetic. 

Ezra Bridger: You know something Thrawn, I’ve been thinking lately...

Grand Admiral Thrawn: That would be the first time in your case, Ezra, but go on…

Ezra Bridger:[Rolls his eyes] Insult aside, why didn’t you kill me all those years ago? Yes, you shot me but why didn’t you kill me there and end my life? That would’ve saved your crew and this mess would never have happened.

Grand Admiral Thrawn: I may be stating the obvious here but you summoned those purgil to destroy my blockade and you could’ve easily killed both of us. However, the emperor had other plans for you and if we had not been propelled into hyperspace and crash-landed here, he would’ve attempted to turn you against your rebel friends. However, in calling out to those creatures, you inadvertently saved my life that day. 

Ezra stood there stunned and was wondering what on Lothal he was referring to by that statement. As the evening drew closer and Dornea’s sun began to settle, he saw something very shocking, a large Republic Venator Class Star Destroyer and he immediately recognized who was most likely leading the rescue operation, Jedi Master Andrew Markos of the Warhammer Fleet. Thrawn had seen this as well and was rather intrigued. He pondered who the mysterious rescuer was coming but remembered back to Geonosis all those years ago and smiled. At last, he would finally meet an old adversary who Emperor Palpatine and Lord Vader had deemed such a large threat to the empire and who had slipped not surprisingly out of Admiral Constantine’s hands. He would finally come face-to-face with Jedi-General Andrew Markos. 

As the ship landed on the other side of the island, they decided to land at an Old Republic Military Base long abandoned after the clone wars. It had been converted to an Imperial Observation Post. Dornea had some Imperial Presence but it didn’t last long. It even stayed neutral during the Galactic Civil War Era after many of the population were outraged after many years of Separatist Occupation only to briefly undergo Republic Occupation till the war ended. They decided to use the base as headquarters during the rescue operation and leave once they found Ezra and questioned Thrawn for numerous war crimes. 

Andrew Markos: We’ll set up camp for the night and head out in the morning in small search parties. If you see any sign of Ezra or Thrawn, signal to the others via your comn links and transmit your location. Do the same if you see any large groups of stormtroopers but remain out of sight till other groups can arrive if you’re outnumbered. 

Commander Cody: We’ve lost a lot of men over the years to clankers and we’re not about to lose men from the bucket heads. If you can take them out without drawing attention, defend yourself. Now let’s move out soldiers! 

Ahsoka Tano: Andrew, may I speak with you a moment before your group heads out? [Heads back into the hangar] There’s something that many people didn’t know about after the clone war ended. It’s about Anakin.

Andrew Markos: If you’re referring to his marriage to Senator Amidala, Kenobi told me to keep it a secret. I did the same for him about Satine’s nephew Korkie being Kenobi’s son. 

Ahsoka Tano: Anakin and I always suspected something was unique about that kid. That’s not what I meant to say but there was something more about Anakin. Anakin turned to the dark side after believing it was the way to save Padme from dying in childbirth and became Darth Vader. 

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