Chapter 2: Rising Threats

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Sometime after the Kamino incident, Captain Cara Lambra was summoned to Coruscant for questioning. She feared for her life as usual summons meant a trial and possible execution. On the panel before her were various military leaders. The members on this tribunal were Admiral Wulf Yularen of the Imperial Security Bureau, various other imperial officers, and another figure came into the room led by two death troopers. He appeared to be a pantoran with red eyes. This humanoid creature with the red eyes spoke first. In his native language, he was known as Mitth'raw'nuruodo. In basic, they simply referred to him as Thrawn. Most of the Imperial High Command despised him but few admired his leadership and the way he commanded.

Admiral Wulf Yularen: Captain Cara Lambra, you stand here accused of failing to protect Kamino from a possible saboteur. What do you have to say for yourself?

Captain Cara Lambra: While it is true that I failed to protect the planet, no lives were lost, no damage was done other than a stolen consular ship and I learned that the thief was a Jedi with two clone defectors.

The panel suddenly became silent and they looked at each other with confusion. Rumors suggested that the Jedi were dead or at least no longer a threat to the Empire. That was at least until now. With the disappearance of a ship and various supplies, this Jedi could aid the growing rebel alliance.

Grand Admiral Thrawn: I believe that while variable materials were stolen, we can use this as an opportunity to prevent the rebels from gaining support from any Jedi sympathizers. While she was on duty as the leading imperial of the facility, she could not have anticipated two clone defectors to help the Jedi. On that note, I believe that we can pardon Captain Cara Lambra for this incident.

After some debate, it was decided that she would be pardoned from blame and would be promoted to Commander by recommendation of Thrawn. After it was arranged, it was determined that she would serve under his fleet. Most wouldn't find this suspicious but it was shortly after the mysterious disappearance of Eli Vanto, a former translator and ally of the Chiss Grand Admiral. Meanwhile, on the outskirts of Fort Ypso, Andreas was meeting with the head of a criminal syndicate whose name was Dryden Vos.

Dryden Vos: Tell me, what are you here for? Money? Power? Something more?

Andreas Martin: I simply request some medical supplies and to know who the true leader of this operation could be. {Takes a glass from a tray} You seem like a very powerful man but there has to be a higher up.

The two men went to his private office while Briggs and Anthony were speaking with another of his associates, a young Corellian woman named Qi'ra.

Dryden Vos: Why would you need to know who's really in charge? What's your business with him?

Andreas Martin: It's business matters. {Pulls out his lightsaber and slides a bag of credits}

Dryden Vos: Ah I see. {Puts away dagger} You must be a Jedi survivor from the Clone War and those clones are defectors, am I correct? Well, this is certainly surprising. The only person I know that uses that type of weapon is Lord Maul.

Andreas had to sit down out of shock and confusion. Did he just say, Maul? As in Darth Maul? But that's impossible because he assumed that he was being handed over to the Jedi Council by Ahsoka Tano just after the siege of Mandalore.

Andreas Martin: Where can I find this Maul?

Dryden Vos: If I tell you where my boss is, what can you give me in return?

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