Chapter 9: Journey into the Unknown

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After the Ghost crew had left the Lodestar, they decided to return to Lothal before they began their mission. Ezra had not seen his home planet since that fateful battle where Thrawn’s forces had occupied his home planet and were defeated by the purgil. Ezra realized that by using battle meditation, he had once again tipped his hand towards the dark side. He wanted to train more and ask Master Markos about how he could find a balance between the two sides. As the crew arrived back at Lothal, Ezra decided to ask Hera about Jacen and what had happened since he disappeared. She had just landed the Ghost back at Ezra’s tower when the young rebel walked up to her. 

Ezra Bridger: Hey Hera, can I ask you a few things? 

Hera Syndulla:[Smiles and chuckles] Of course Ezra, what is it?

Ezra Bridger: Lothal seems much more peaceful now without the empire. Back on Dornea, Master Markos told me that the emperor is dead. Is everything he said true? 

Hera Syndulla: Yeah pretty much. After the battle ended and you disappeared, the people rose and Lothal was finally free. We expected a counterattack but nothing ever came. We eventually found out why that was the case. Not long afterward, we were sent to Scarif after Kallus intercepted a report from a defecting cargo pilot. He said the empire had plans to make some kind of superweapon. A few years went by and there was intel that the Empire was constructing a second planet-killing station above Endor. We destroyed it and was altered after the battle that the emperor was still abroad when the station was destroyed. After that happened, we all knew that the empire was crumbling. A week ago, the empire was preparing for a final strike against the New Republic above Jakku and we won. 

Ezra Bridger: All that happened in the last six years? What about Master Markos? What happened to him in the last few years? 

Hera Syndulla:[Chuckles] You were always so curious about everything. Kanan would’ve been proud to see you now. 

Her smile slowly faded and she sighed heavily. She had been so busy fighting the empire for the last several years yet she never truly moved on from the death of her husband, Kanan Jarrus. Even the birth of their son, Jacen Syndulla, couldn’t fill the void. She stepped away from the rebellion briefly for the first year of his life so she could care for him. She had enjoyed the somewhat peaceful motherhood. All of that changed rather quickly after she was pulled back into the fight for the battle of Endor.

Ezra Bridger: I guess we better load up on supplies before we start the mission. Anyway about Master Markos… Hera? 

Hera blinked a few times and turned back to Ezra. She was so wrapped up in the memory of Kanan that she had forgotten about the other half of his question. 

Hera Syndulla: He was centered on Christophsis for the entirety of the war after the Geonosis ambush. He worked with the elite group of clone force 99. It was because of their mission that they even heard Thrawn’s transmission for assistance. [Chuckles] We even heard you arguing with him. 

Ezra Bridger: Is the entire 305th legion coming to help us? 

Hera shook her head and explained that some had stayed behind on Christophsis to act as a peacekeeping force in case any imperial remnant troops arrived to retake the planet. Back aboard the Warhammer, Thrawn had settled in his new quarters and began displaying art depicting the 305th legion and former high-ranking Imperials that may still be alive. He was just about to sift through more records when a protocol droid walked into the room. 

B2P0: Excuse me Grand Admiral Thrawn, may I interrupt your research momentarily? 

Grand Admiral Thrawn: Of course. You are protocol droid B2P0, are you not? Andrew’s droid from the clone war.

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