Chapter 6: Mission to Chaleydonia

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Andrew met the bad batch at the main base and informed them of their mission and explained that this district would lead to a full rebel victory on the planet. They would lead a raid to steal key data on fleet movements, stormtrooper numbers, imperial weaponry, and many more pieces of intel. He decided to come with them along with Commander Cody. Anthony and Oliver would lead other assaults on the city after the intel was retrieved. 

Crosshair: Never thought we’d have to work with “regs” after the war ended. 

Hunter: Hey take it easy crosshair, it’s Cody here after all. Besides, we got a Jedi as well. 

Wrecker: Yeah! Just give me some buckets to smash in and I’ll be good to go. {He says while lifting B2 and drinking an entire crate of blue milk jugs} 

Commander Cody: Thanks Hunter but I hate to tell you this wrecker but it’s a stealth mission. 

He put down B2 and the jugs of blue milk. He groaned with annoyance as he sat down. He hated stealth missions and would rather blow something up instead. 

Tech: Don’t worry Wrecker, I’m sure you’ll get your chance either way. 

General Andrew Markos: Alright Tech and Echo, we’re coming up on a checkpoint, be ready to transmit the clearance codes, and scramble the signature of this ship. 

Echo: Don’t worry general. You can count on us. 

Imperial Officer: We have an incoming shuttle. It appears to be one of ours. 

Stormtrooper: Thank goodness. Maybe we can finally get proper supplies for once. I’m kind of tired of eating dried rations. I could go for some bantha steaks or something. 

Imperial Officer: You skipped lunch, didn’t you? 

Stormtrooper: [Annoyed] Geez what gave that away? 

Imperial Officer: Shuttle TS-1942, you are cleared to land at hangar 5. You may proceed. 

They managed to sneak into the base without being detected. Well, they almost made it without being detected. Wrecker did knock out a few stormtroopers to get their armor and Andrew’s new imperial uniform. 

Hunter: So general, what exactly are we looking for? 

General Andrew Markos: There were rumors of certain senators and planets who are sympathetic to the rebellion. Rebel high command wants us to find a new place to set up a new base and also allow us to put those senators under protection.

Echo: So basically somewhere the Empire hasn’t occupied or isn’t welcomed? Not exactly a small order these days. 

Tech: If we can get into the imperial data network, we’ll need to steal someone’s identification. 

Voice: There’s no need for that. You can use mine. 

They turned around in shock and the bad batch drew their weapons. It was the newly-promoted Admiral Cara Lambra who was now one of the head imperials on the planet. 

Hunter: [Draws blaster] Don’t move and give us your identification.

She slid her identification across the floor and the bat batch scattered to complete their missions but Andrew stayed behind to speak with her. 

General Andrew Markos: Thank you for helping us but the big question is this. Why are you doing it?

Admiral Cara Lambra: After Grand Admiral Thrawn was called back to Lothal to crush your rebels, I was given command of a small part of the seventh fleet to put down the rebellion here. I’ve seen the brutal acts done by the empire and I want out. 

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