Chapter 10: The New War Begins

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The Warhammer arrived at Naporar and immediately seen by the Chiss Defense Fleet. Several fighters came out in case the unknown ship attacked them. He had to quickly explain why an unknown destroyer suddenly showed up right at their military headquarters or else his men would die for no good reason. He knew that they would most likely not understand Galactic Basic so he tried to quickly run through the local trade languages. He decided to go with the language of Cheunh.  

Andrew Markos: Chiss Defense Fleet, I mean no harm to your planet or your people. My name is Andrew Markos, Commander of the Republic Cruiser, Warhammer, and General of the 305th Ghost Legion. I was told by Mitth'raw'nuruodo to rendezvous here with your fleet. 

Thrawn was standing on the bridge alongside Andrew and was certainly impressed that the Jedi could understand the language very well. He was almost fluent in the language. A few seconds of silence passed before a voice spoke up. 

Voice: Warhammer, this is Admiral Ar’alani of the Chiss Defense Fleet Warship, Steadfast. I greet you, General Markos. I am sending a shuttle over to your cruiser to bring you and Grand Admiral Mitth'raw'nuruodo over to my ship for a briefing in 15 minutes. 

Andrew Markos: Acknowledged Admiral. I’ll be waiting in the hangar bay. [Turns to Thrawn] Well Grand Admiral, let’s not keep the admiral waiting. 

Thrawn studied Andrew closely during the transmission and had his suspicions about the Jedi. His fluency in Cheunh and his knowledge of the Defense Fleet weren't even available to the Jedi.

Grand Admiral Thrawn: General Markos, how long ago did you leave the Ascendency? Was it of your own will or were you exiled? 

Andrew stopped cold in his tracks. No one ever asked about his life before the Jedi Order or even figured out he was a Chiss. Most assumed he was a Pantoran with an eye condition. The only one who knew the truth was Grand Master Yoda and had sworn to keep it a secret that only a few masters were allowed to know. 

Andrew Markos: My parents left the Ascendency to explore the known galaxy and promised to return after they saw what they wanted. They eventually settled on a planet in Wild Space and a few years later, I was born. Years later, I was found by the Jedi and trained in the temple. I was sent by the senate to negotiate a peace treaty between two rival clans when I was injured by an ambush. Neither clan did not have the resources to give me the medical care I needed so I was sent back to Coruscant in a status pod. 

Grand Admiral Thrawn: Thank you for enlightening me Andrew. Did your parents ever discuss returning to the Ascendency? 

Andrew stared down the hall, breathed a heavy sigh then turned back to the admiral. 

Andrew Markos: Unfortunately I don’t have any memories of them. It wasn’t till a few years after the clone wars ended that I found out they were kidnapped by pirates and killed. [Grips his lightsaber tightly] I never truly found the culprit but I was given the name of the groups’ leader .... Nightswan. 

Thrawn gave him a small frown as the men walked to the hangar bay waiting for the shuttle. Killing civilians didn’t seem like something that Nightswan would’ve condoned. Was this before their encounter on the Dromadar or perhaps shortly thereafter? Or was this perhaps done, not by the man himself, but by one of his men? Afterall, Andrew didn’t specifically say that Nightswan himself killed his parents. These questions sooned faded from the forefront as the shuttle arrived exactly 15 minutes later as he had predicted. When the two men strapped themselves into their seats, Thrawn noticed that one of their shuttle pilots looked vaguely. 

Andrew Markos: A New War BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now