Trailer/ Prologue

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July 12, 1975

Screaming, the music stopping, cries for help and the soul wrecking thunder of a gun being fired.

Your ears are ringing, it hurts but you can't really pinpoint where it's coming from. You want to give up, is it still worth it to fight for your life at this point? He did this to you. You're on the ground, a warm liquid trickling down your body, your eyes are wet and salty tears are rolling down your face. Your throat is wrecked, probably from screaming, or from sobbing in pain.

You try to drag yourself across the harsh floor, your open wound collecting dust, your hand reaching out blindly in front of you in hope to find something, or someone familiar, someone that would never dare to hurt you. But the loud thud of heavy boots on the floor makes your skin crawl, you want to scream out for help, but you know better than to give him a chance to hurt you even more.

"Please, no more..." you whisper to yourself, but the words never break that thin barrier, and allows you to be the only one to hear yourself.

But the footsteps are getting louder behind you, you hear the cracking of his voice, your blood runs cold and you're quickly running out of it. But you decide that you can't give up just yet. So you lay back down, your body going limp you try your best to not whimper in pain.

Just stop moving, close your eyes, don't breathe, don't flinch. It'll be over soon.

He won't be able to hurt you anymore, just hold on a little longer.  



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