chapter seven

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I opened the door and a harsh, cool breeze hit my body, almost sending me walking back into the warm room. So, I just wrapped my sweater tightly around my chest in hopes of warmth.
As I saw the beautiful golden lights, my breath was knocked out of my lungs. It was truly beautiful.

But I remembered why I was here so I walked forward and leaned on the balcony right next to Ashton. His breath was evident in the air and there were no sounds on this streets. Frankly, the city was beautifully quiet.

"Why are you awake so late?" Ashton asked, looking straight into the night and not even looking my way. He had a blanket around his shoulders, which he took off and placed over my arms carefully.

"It's too quiet, I can't sleep like this," I responded softly, tightening the blanket around my shoulders and gaining warmth.

Ashton nodded and pursued his lips, still not making any eye contact. It was a bit rude to say the least but I didn't mind,"That's what Paris does to you."

"I suppose that you'd be used to it, Mr. Irwin?" I spoke, looking down at the light-filled streets, and just down the road, a faint figure of the famous Tower.

"One never gets used to this type of solitude," he spoke with a sort of confidence one can get drunk off of.

"What's the real reason why you're out there?" I asked him, finally looking at him.

Ashton looked down at me, his eyes locked in mine for a wisp in time. "Reasons you're not apt to know about quite yet. "

"When will I be, Mr. Irwin?" I questioned, my voice getting lower.

"I'll be the one to decide that, Layla,"


I remained in the balcony for a while afterwards, staring into the city as I day-dreamed of the places that I could infatuate myself with. It got to a certain point where I had taken a seat for just one moment, and ended up falling asleep to the sound of quiet chatter, wind, and an occasional vehicle.

I woke up at around 9 in the morning, due to the fact that it was a bit chilly, since it was the beginning of November. As soon as I rose, I noticed a blanket sprawled over me, much like the one Mr. Irwin had in his room.

Craning my neck, I stood up and stretched my back. Then, I came inside, bringing the blanket with me as I walked so. The room was empty and clean, all was wiped from the floors and it looked like no one had been here. Except for that one metal tray in the middle of the coffee table.

The coffee was still steaming, so I assumed they had not left very long ago. There were two pancakes on the plate, a stick of butter, and a small syrup jar. A sticky note was on a glass of orange juice to the side.

Meet us at Le Stella for lunch, we wish for you to meet someone of great importance. Be there promptly at 2:30. -Ashton Irwin

Only Ashton would make such a formal invitation for lunch. I barely comprehended his words, and I even stared at the small paper for a while before I set it down. Quietly, I set down the blanket in my room, and got back out, turning on the television as I did so.

Some french cartoons were playing, so I began to watch them and comprehend what was occurring- as they were translated into english poorly. I ate and drank my coffee, my eyes always glancing over to the small note and Ashton's handwriting. How it was so casual for such a serious man.

As soon as I finished my food, I left the tray outside, and went to get ready for the day, settling upon a skirt and a white, tight crop top and nude ankle boots. It was really a pastel, Paris-looking outfit in my head.

Then, I went out and explored what was nearby. There were tiny boutiques and I ended up buying one dress, two skirts, and one shirt, alongside a bunch of jewelry that was on sale. Also, I bought a dozen macarons, because it's France, and you have to buy them when you're visiting. It's like tourist law.

By the time I was done shopping because my ankles were killing me, I realized I should start heading to the restaurant. I called a cab over as one would do in New York, and they (the cabs) actually caught on to what I was trying to do.

Stepping in, I heard the radio play familiar songs, which made me feel more at home. Quickly, stammering me words, I told the man the restaurant and he nodded and began to drive right away. Meanwhile, I untangled my jewelry and neatly placed it back in the fancy bag. Maybe they should spend more money in packaging, rather than in shopping bags.

Finally, we arrived and I payed the man and muttered a quick thank you as I jumped off. I checked the time and found out I was about five minutes late. Oh well, I'll just blame it on the traffic.

I opened the doors and the cool air hit me, making me feel refreshed. A hostess came up to me and talked to me in english, which I thanked God for, and as I explained I was here with Mr. Irwin, she led the way.

We were taken to the side of the site, where the guys were sat and having an engaging conversation with a girl and two men. As soon as Ashton saw me, he excused himself and stood up. When he got close to me, he muttered, taking mu bags, "You are late,"

"You cannot possibly blame me for Paris traffic on such a beautiful day, Mr. Irwin," I shrugged, placing my sunglasses in my purse. Ashton clenched his jaw and led me to the table, where I sat on a chair next to both Calum and Ashton.

I gave Calum a quick peck on the cheek as if to say hello, but he blushed crimson red. Shaking hands, I began to wonder why it was so important that I met these people. After all, this has never happened before, so why now?

"This is my executive assistant- Miss Collins," Ashton spoke with a sense of respect of himself, as if I was some object he could show off to his partners.

"Please, call me Layla," I smiled at the people in front of me. They happily returned the grin, except for the girl, she just looked me up and down.

"This is Ansel, Antoinette, and Auben, the proud owners of the Triple A Holdings branch here in Paris," Ashton explained.

I still had no idea what this had to do with the football team.

"Yes, we are very happy to assist Ashton form his own corporate company and for it to thrive as Triple A did," Ansel, a man with a great mustache, bloated. His accent was thick, and he struggled to find the words to talk to us in a way we would comprehend. "and eventually, perhaps even a merger?"

"Yes, absolutely," Ashton nodded, taking a sip out of his ice cold water.

However, I was barely breathing. And once I looked over at Calum, he was just looking down at his lap, fidgeting with his long fingers. What the hell?

Clearly, Antoinette caught on to my very confused aura, so she called me out on it,"How do you feel about this?"

I was caught in a headlock here. If I said that I'd love this to happen, then I'd be lying. And if I said I didn't want this to happen, then Ashton could lose this amazing opportunity. Plus, this bitch would get the satisfaction of winning. I was not gonna let that happen.

"I think it's a marvelous idea, and I am here to support Mr. Irwin in these types of things," I smiled, looking at her straight in the eye. She gave me a lop-sided smile that seemed as fake as her acrylic nails.

"Brilliant," Ansel spoke, a grin on his face,"now, what part of England are you from, Layla?"

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