chapter sixteen

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I did as Ashton said, but I didn't use the company card. Not that I was gonna spend a lot of money, it just didn't feel right. So I went down to the nearest mall, only a few blocks away, and shopped for the ideal outfit and the makeup to go with it.

Betty had told me so many stories about Ashton and his old hook ups. According to her, he doesn't let girls stay the night, and his hangover food was strawberries and chocolate. She felt that I needed to know all these things for a reason that I was too proud to admit.

I felt bad leaving Betty all by herself at the loft, so I took her with me. And man, let me tell you, I was definitely not disappointed. The woman had class and style, two things I clearly lacked.

She had picked out a white, tight dress, that ended right around my mid-thigh. The dress was sleeves up to my wrist and there was a small strap near my waist that allowed part of my stomach to be seen.

Betty told me not to fret about shoes and a bag. She said that I could use Calum's sister's stuff. Her shoe size was just a bit bigger than mine, but the fact that they were nude Marc Jacobs, I decided to deal with the blisters. Also, the black bag by a designer that I couldn't even pronounce did tie the knot.

I did my makeup with whatever I could find at CVS. At the end of the day, I decided to leave that tiny bag of cheap make up at Calum's house.

As I came down the stairs, Betty spun around, setting fown her book and admiring me as I came downstairs. She gasped and covered her mouth in surprise, "Oh, darling you look beautiful."

"Thank you, Betty. For everything," I grinned, holding her hand as her eyes showed me her admiration for me.

"Sweetie, it's no problem," she smiled, her eyes radiating with energy.


There was a knock at the door. Betty's eyes lit up as she squealed like a teenage girl, "Let me get that. Remember, walk like he's beneath you, walk like a princess and he'll love it. Not that you don't look like one already."

She skidded away, her blonde hair bobbing up and down. I heard the heavy door open with a click and soon after, I heard Ashton's voice, "Hello, Betty. How are you?"

I peeked my head across the corner, stillI could see them, but they couldn't see me.

"Don't get all polite now, young man. Just because there's a beautiful girl getting ready doesn't mean you treat me any different, you hear?" She told him, waving her finger at her.

"She is beautiful, isn't she?" Ashton chuckled, looking down.

Blushing, I took a deep breath, straightened my back and clicked my heels to the door, acting clueless. I pretended to be looking for something in my bag, "Who's at the-"

As I looked up, I saw Ashton's eyes meet mine, his jaw dropping to the ground. He didn't look anywhere else but my eyes and my lips. That was all. Like a true gentleman. I breathed out, barely audible, "Door."

"Layla," Ashton said, stepping past Betty and into the house. I was able to get a better look at him, he was wearing a suit, no tie, his hands in his pockets. The jacket wasn't buttoned, which wasn't like Ashton at all, especially in public. But either way, he looked amazing. "you look amazing."

"Mr. Irwin," I nodded toward him, taking in mind what Betty had said: to act like he was beneath me. I hugged Betty good bye as she whispered good luck to me.

I walked out of the house, waiting for Ashton to follow and shut the door. Once I heard the click I wanted to hear, I let out a breath of relief.

Ashton placed his hand on my lower back and made his way in front of me, "Hey, are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" I chuckled, my hands finding Ashton's neck almost immediately. My fingers played with the ends of his hair as I looked down, and as he looked up at me.

His fingers reached my chin and turned it just enough so that I would be forced to look at him. "Layla, is this about last night?"

I remembered one thing from last night. And that was when Ashton said he cared about me. This memory came to me when I was having my second energy drink of the day.

Frankly, I will admit it did change a few things. If he cared about me, then he couldn't hurt me again, right? That is how it works.

"I'm totally fine," I smiled, pulling him in and pressing my lips onto his, a smile growing on his face.

We stayed like that for a little while, until he pulled away and looked into my eyes for a brief moment, "Let's go."


We had had around two bottles of white wine, and Ashton had still not told me what was going on and what the good news were. So as he finished saying a joke and drinking a bit of his wine, I spoke, gaining his attention immediately, "So, what were the good news?"

"Oh, yes," he spoke, sitting up on his chair and fixing the sleeves of his shirt, "Triple A called and they agreed to fully fund my new company."

"Asht- I mean Mr. Irwin, that's great," I exclaimed, taking a long sip out of my alcohol in hopes of covering up my mistake.

"It's alright, you can call me Ashton for tonight," he said, smiling at my excitement, "and they said that you can come as well!"

I know he wanted me to be excited. After all, a new change of scenery would be nice. It would be much like a fresh start. Very soothing to think about. But I couldn't.

"You know I don't support your decision," I reminded him, biting the insides of my cheeks to restrain myself from saying anything else.

"Well, you are my assistant, so-" he said, a cocky smirk on his face. But this washed away as soon as I widened my eyes and laughed at his stupid remark, shaking my head no.

"No, Ashton, you got it wrong," I said, placing the napkin that was on my lap, on top of my clean plate, "I am the executive assistant to the Baltimore Ravens. Not to you."

"Oh, so if Michael asked you to blow him, would you?" I knew he was upset about last night. This is what he was referring to. But I couldn't remember.

"No, sleeping with my co-workers is not in my description, for your information," I sneered, narrowing my eyes.

Ashton scoffed, making me stand up as I grabbed my bag, "It's a little too late for that, don't you think?"

My mouth formed a small 'o' shape as I processed what he had just said.

How dare he.

I began stomping away, as I called over my shoulder, "Have fun at your boring-ass company."

I walked outside, and Ashton didn't even bother to follow. He was about as mad as I was.

I thought about who to call. Not Josh, he was God-Knows-Where. Not Calum, he would question me and I couldn't dare to see Betty disappointed. Not Ashton's driver, that would be a wreck.

So one person popped into my mind, due to the fact that I have no other friends.



you know what my problem is

that i never double update when i say i will

maybe i should stop saying that


please comment guys pls

ily all

and get ready

xoxo gossip girl

the silver lining playbook// a. irwinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora