chapter nineteen

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The date so far had been bearable. Logan hadn't tried to pull anything on me, except the causal pick up line, and had taken me to some Greek restaurant. He had the biggest meal there was, I, however, ate a salad.

Logan asked, looking up at me with his bright blue eyes, "May I ask why you couldn't come on this date tomorrow?"

"Why? Did I disturb your plans for tonight?" I asked, suddenly becoming worried that I had screwed his night up.

"Nothing I can't make up," he shrugged.

I know I shouldn't have worried about what he was gonna do tonight, but I had felt like I had rained on his parade. Needless to say, I felt bad, so I told him about what my plans were, "Well, I have a business trip to go to tomorrow morning."

"Ugh, is that asshole-of-a-boss gonna be there?" Logan groaned, as if Ashton had something disgusting about him.

"Yeah, sadly," I played along, pretending to be annoyed by Ashton's façade, when in reality, I was infatuated by it.

"At least you'll have me to come home to," he smiled, golfing my hand across the table.

All of the sudden, I felt the room get cold and color drain out of my face. "Yeah, sure."

I didn't feel well at all. Not because of Logan, but something I had eaten or whatever. Logan noticed my change and be are alarmed, "Are you alright? You're really pale."

"I'm not feeling well," I told him truthfully, getting up and holding my temple with one hand as I grabbed my clutch with the other, "besides, it is late and I still haven't packed."

Okay, that was sort of a lie. I had told Ashton that I would have no time to pack so he worked out that Betty went to my apartment with a spare key and packed me a bag. She probably cringed at my fashion sense. I also told her to leave food for my dog, which I hope she did.

"Would you like me to take you home?" Logan asked, holding the hand that had previously been on my forehead.

"No, it's okay; I'll catch a cab," I told him, smiling to show him that I was okay.

"Alright," Logan sighed, stepping close to me. At first, I thought he was gonna hug me and was surprised to find his wine-stained lips on mine. Again, the kiss was just bland. As he pulled away, he looked down at me, "I'll be waiting for you at the airport."

With that, I left him, only a smile coming his way. Quickly, as soon as I went outside, I was on the black van, the driver sitting in the front driver seat, "Miss Collins, if you don't mind we have to stop by the office. Mr. Irwin requires you to pick up a green folder on his desk."

"Sure thing," I nodded, looking out the window.

After getting the folder, the driver and I headed to Ashton's loft. As soon as I walked in, Ashton came toward me arms extended. I hugged Ashton and muttered, "You have no clue how hard it was to get past second-floor security at this time of night."

"You are my savior," Ashton told me, kissing my temple and taking the folder from me. "Let me make a quick call and then we can hang out. Help yourself to anything and make yourself at home."

He skidded away, folder and cell phone in hand. I shrugged off my coat and left it at entrance. I spotted my suitcase standing next to what seemed to be Ashton's luggage.

Frankly, I was beginning to get hungry. Dropping my bag along with my suitcase, I went into the kitchen, surprised to find that there was no helper like there was in Calum's house. I suppose he can pick up after himself, Calum can't.

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