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"You guys ready to do this?" said Captain after letting out a big sigh. At this, all the others nodded their heads.

Suneo added, on behalf of everyone else, "Not like we have any other choice... Though I have to admit that this is a crazy plan... Like 'crazy' crazy plan!!!"

Captain replied, "Well, at least we can get out of this prison cell now. Thanks to Gunzalvis here. Quick thinking, by the way, taking the disguise of one of those men."

Doraemon said, "Yeah, if you wouldn't have been for you, we would be stuck here for a lot longer than imagined. For you, at least we gotta plan now."

Gian walked up between the chatting circle and exclaimed, "You people tend to talk a lot! I think we should get going now."

Everyone agreed with him, acknowledging his fact that they were wasting time.

The electronic shock shield was up now. On the way into the cell, Gunzalvis, dressed as one of those men in white uniforms and helmets, left the button unclicked to keep the shield open; which turned out to be a good thing for their escape plan later on. The team just casually walked right out.

Gunzalvis was the first one to step out of the cell. Peeking left and right and then again left, he ensured whether anyone was there in the hallway. Inspecting it to be empty, he slowly signalled the rest of th to step out too. One after the other, the team followed his lead and stepped out of the hallway, carefully and quietly.
          They stopped at the first turn. Gunzalvis again peeped out firat and checked whether the long corridor was empty or not. It was! The others followed him out of the back of the wall. This went on for a few turns and steps when suddenly, Gunzalvis saw two guards on one floor which they had to cross to get out of there.

Gunzalvis took a deep breath and walked up to them from behind the wall. He said as casually as possible, trying not to panic or hesitate, "Boss is looking for you, I hear. He sent me keep watch here until then."

One of the two men said confusingly, "Boss called? We haven't heard anything about it. What does he need now?" Gunzalvis answered, getting more comfortable and normal, "I don't know. He didn't say anything to me. He just asked me to inform you."

The two nodded their heads and left. The entire corridor was completely deserted after about a minute when they passed. All the others went up to Gunzalvis and stopped for awhile.

Gian exclaimed, "Sweet!!"
Suneo said, "Thank God it's over! Let's get outta here."

Hearing that, both Nobita and Shizuka puzzled up. Nobita reminded, "We can't leave right away. Ruffin is still inside. We need the get him out."

Shizuka supported him and added, in a concerned tone "Yes, we do. What about her? Nobita already mentioned that this dolphin saved his life in the sea. We have to save him too. We can't just leave him here like this, knowing the things that Doctor Clone and Cash has been doing to all those innocent animals. What if Ruffin is supposed to be their next victim?"

Right at that moment, they heard footsteps of not one or two men but an entire group of people marching in their direction from the other side of the corridor. Voices floating in through the single wall separating the two groups. Voices of trouble!!!

Gunzalvis said, "Oh no! They might've found out by now that it was a false piece of info. We gotta hurry. There's not much time. Let's go."

Captain stressed upon his point and said, "Yes, we need to go now."

Shizuka and Nobita both said together in the same anxious and restless voice, "But what about Ruffin?"

Doraemon calmed Nobita and Shizuka by saying, "We are not 💨 ng away, okay? (Looking at Shizuks) We will find Ruffin-- (looking away from Shizuka to Nobita) And Jack! Trust me. We will find them and we will stop Cash. I won't let him win. But we need to be smart about this. We can't help them, locked up inside some jail cell. We need to get out and regroup. Think of some plan to do this. Think about the possibilities, the outcomes. I promise I will get you your new friends back, Nobita. I understand the fact that they were there for you when you were all alone in this island. We all appreciate it and we will help them. But we really need to go now. For now!"

Nobita and Shizuka, reluctant enough but understanding his point, got convinced and decided to leave the place for the time being. Hardly had they run out of there as fast as they could when the men walked in on the very corridor they were standing in.

One of the men notified Cash, on the comm, "We lost them." Cash angrily banged on the desk in his room, gritting his teeth in rage. He shouted, "Get a team out in the island. Find them from wherever you can. And do not come back before you do. I mistook them as children. They know everything about my plan. They are witnesses! (His voice getting more devious and darker) I won't make that same mistake again. I'm gonna show them what it's like to get in the way of Cash's dreams..... (After a pause) We need them inside, under our custody. I don't care how or from where, BRING THAT BLUE RACOON AND HIS BUDDIES IN ASAP!!!!" Saying this, he turned off his comms and threw them away onto the floor angrily.

On the other hand, the team was out and running to the top of their speeds. After about half an hour, running through the forested jungles, they finally made their way to the beach, along the sea. There was a large ancient ship harboured at the sand coast in front of them.

All of them halted, breathing heavily, gasping and panting, after the long fast run from that place, trying to catch their breath.

Gian said, "Finally!!!" and began walking forward.
Nobita, all confused and embezzled, said, "Finally what? We're out in the open where anyone can easily find us. Why did we come here?"

Doraemon said, "This is our secret hideout. Don't worry! There's an invisible camping house near the ship on the beach. One of my gadgets that survived our little boat crash. So we're safe here."

Nobita smiled after listening to the whole thing from him and realising the relaxed reaction of everyone else in the team on reaching that place.

Gian said, "What are we waiting for? Let's go in."
Doraemon said, "Yeah, we need to make a plan too. Since we don't have my gadgets, the only thing we have is our good old brains. So let's put them to use and figure something out."

Saying this they all began to walk towards the harboured ship....

to be contd.....
(Hope you guys liked the new chapter. Comment down below what you think about how the story's going, if there are any mistakes or not. Sorry for the delay, btw. Exam season so kinda have my hands full now. Sorry again. Next part will be coming up soon.)

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