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Doraemon replied in an extremely tensed and panicked voice, with gaping eyes fixed on Nobita, "No way! No way in hell! Have you gone insane? Why would you even think about doing something like that? It's a suicide mission!"

Nobita said wearily, "I know that. That's why I'm telling you that you don't have to come, Doraemon. I won't let you. I will go in and blow up the ship by myself."

Doraemon commented furiously, "Like hell you are! I will never let you do something like this. NEVER!!!"

Nobita added, "Doraemon, I've made up my mind. I am gonna stop Cash and his wrong doings once and for all, no matter what I have to do for that."

Doraemon repeated like a new-born baby, "NO WAY—NEVER! YOU'RE NOT GOIN'!"

Nobita answered with fiery eyes, "Try and stop me then..." At his expression, Doraemon got afraid. He could clearly see the blood-thirst and the fire of revenge in his eyes. And he knew that nothing could stop Nobita from doing what he intended to do. Immediately, he fell down on his knees and began searching the various small drawers below the control panels on the ship.

Nobita asked, amused, "Hey—what are you doing?"

Doraemon answered, while continuing to search the drawers, "Finding out a way to safely get ourselves out of Cash's ship before it blows up."

Nobita was too puzzled and confused to reply back when he heard that. Looking away, back at the monitor, he focused on getting the ship to fly properly and dodging any missiles coming their way at every few intervals of time. Doraemon was going on shuffling random stuff in the drawers, when finally, after about three minutes, he managed to get his hands on something useful.

His eyes twinkled and his mouth spoke, "Yes—here we go! Finally something good!"

Nobita startled at that news and excitedly asked, "What is it?"

Doraemon held up two buttons in his right hand towards Nobita and said, beaming with joy, "These are anywhere buttons from the future. It kinda works like an anywhere door, but its power is limited."

Nobita asked cluelessly, "What the hell does that mean?"

Doraemon answered in a matter-of-factly way, "It means that how far these buttons will take you from your current location depends upon how much power it has at that particular moment. Like a phone battery's power!"

Nobita kept staring at him, listening eagerly. Doraemon continued, "If it has enough power right now, then we could use these on Cash's ship. We click these just before the missile launches. Cash gets blown up along with his ship and we land safely on ours." Uttering those last words, Doraemon got sadder and disappointed while Nobita was delighted.

Nobita asked, "What's wrong with you? This could work."

Doraemon said, "I know. That is why I feel sorry. I feel sorry for Cash."

Nobita shockingly asked, "Sorry for Cash?"

Doraemon added, "I know that he has done terrible things to numerous animals and even, people. But that doesn't mean he deserves to die."

Nobita shouted out angrily, "He does—he does deserve to die, Doraemon. I reckon he would've probably gotten a death sentence in the future too."

Doraemon said, "Maybe—but we aren't the ones to decide that. We aren't the ones to decide what his future should be, Nobita."

Nobita said, "You think that now. I'd have seen what you think after you watched those piles of dead animals in that storeroom of his; after he made you watch someone you cared about like your brother die in front of you; (losing his calm and screaming) after he put a gun to your head and almost pulled the trigger of it......." and furiously looked away from Doraemon, back to controlling the ship. Though he was clearly disagreeing with his idea inside his mind, he chose not to talk about it any further with Doraemon.

I - THE WRATH OF CASH (Doraemon Reimagination Series)Where stories live. Discover now