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The ship pod landed on the platform of the much bigger and larger ship of the Time Patrol. About a few seconds after the landing the door slid open and out came the gang that had just outrun one of the cleverest criminals of all time. With big bright smiles on their faces, they stepped down on the platform of the Time Patrol's ship.

Stretching out both his hands behind on landing down, Gian exclaimed, "Glad that's over."

Suneo replied hoarsely, "Glad? I am elated! Finally, I can go back home and see my Mom again. At one point, thought that would never happen!"

Everyone laughed on hearing that, for no particular reason and just took the words as an excuse to have a laugh again. Officers were gliding away by their sides towards the door on the farther end, leading into the official chambers and the rooms inside the side.

Nobita said, "But they didn't catch Cash yet sooooo....."

All the others turned to look at him immediately and darted an infuriated glance. Staring at him with a fire burning out of their eyes, they waited for him to dare and continue.

Nobita continued, hesitating, "But we are alive and at least we got the person without whom he can't do anything. That's a good achievement though! Not complaining."

Everyone withdrew back their angry expressions after which Doraemon continued casually, "Anyways that's something the Time Patrol can handle themselves. We've helped them enough, (throwing a look at Nobita) considering the fact that we are still kids, right?"

There were head nods from all directions except one. Doraemon determinedly looked at Nobita and repeated, "RIGHT?"

Nobita panicked and answered, though reluctance was clear all over his face, "Ya—Right."

Right at the moment, a door on the farther end, leading inside the ship banged open. All the heads turned in no time. There stood Betty, clinging on to the door handle: tears rolling down her face, a concerned yet delighted smile on her lips, breathing heavily.



Both ran out at each other and threw themselves into a massive, tight hug. Betty began kissing every part of Jack's face that she could reach, not having any sense at the moment. Suddenly, she pulled up a stitch on her left cheek by mistake and shrieked slightly—'Ouch!'

Jack pulled back and looked closely at Betty. Only now did he realize that her face was all bruised with nasty cuts and two stitches, one on her forehead and the other on her left cheek which was clasping tightly as it oozed out blood.

Gian asked, "Where's Captain and the other folks you rescued?"

Betty answered, dabbing her wound softly, "O they're gone. Don't worry! The officers sent them back home safely in one ship. They didn't find me yet at that time. So when they did find me, I told them I would go home with Jack—"

Jack cut across her and said, "Betty, you're hurt so bad."

Betty shook her head and replied, "Oh—no it's nothing. The only thing I care about is that I found you. That's all that matters."

Jack, sobbing too, replied, "Yeah, I'm happy to see you too. I never thought I would get to see you again; hold you, touch you, hug you."

Betty added, "Yeah, I thought I'd lost you too. I thought I'd lost my brother too. But now you're back to me. And I couldn't be happier. Jack, I love you so much."

Jack said, "I love you too, Betty." And they hugged each other yet again.

Betty let go of him after a while and placing her soft palm on his cheek, she said, "You're alive and well. I can't believe it. You are such a brave kid, Jack. I'm so proud of you."

I - THE WRATH OF CASH (Doraemon Reimagination Series)Where stories live. Discover now