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Clone reactions

Mitsuki- "That's just plain creepy.  I don't like that."

Hiromi- "How did this happen?!  Are we all clones of dead past selves?  Did our superiors do this?"

Narukami- "What a work of art!  Is this real?"

Akashi- "Is this a joke?  It's so cool!  How did you do this?"

Saiko- "Hm, this is really cool!  But how did this happen?  Can i battle with it?"

Shiro- "Is this for a reason?  This could be a great story!"

Suzuki- "Wow, does it act like me, cool."

Akamaki- [just staring at it angrily probably about to kill it]

Rina- "so... ok, can i hurt it?"

Shoi- "I- this is cool and all but whyyy?"

Shakiri- "Double the stars?  Double the stars."

LaMoyenne- "Well, i don't think this is good."

Nakajima- "Can i kill it, how much pain can i inflict on it, can it join my army, does it have my talent, may i *please* kill it with fire.  "

Miona- "Where did it come from?  How long has it been alive?  I don't like this."

Sakura- "This is so cool!  I think this is so great!  Does everyone get a new friend?"

I tried i hope this is good 

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