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Nakajima- "Two shots of vodka."
Nakajima- [proceeds to pour the whole bottle]

================================================================================Miona- "F**k off Sakura, I'm not going to your f**king baby shower."

================================================================================Miona, while Sakura tries cheering him up- "You better stop, YOU BETTER STOP."

================================================================================Hiromi, being the childish one- "I like turtles, :D"

================================================================================Miona, while Mitsuki tries to get him to eat- "F**k you, I don't want no ravioli."

================================================================================Nakajima to and what she thinks to her mom- "You're not my mother, ugly ass f**king noodle head."

================================================================================Pochikuma- "Whoever threw that paper, your mom's a hoe."

================================================================================Mitsuki- "Remember what we discussed?"
Nakajima- "Yeah, i know the drill.  Smile, shake hands, and try not to call them a cunt."

================================================================================Sakura- "I wasn't injured.  I was lightly stabbed."
Mitsuki- "I'm sorry, you were stabbed?!"
Sakura- "Lightly, i didn't want to frighten you."

Sakura- "Must you always attack me with words."
Miona- "Want me to use shoes?"

Nakajima- "I basically jump from one fireable offence to another."
Mitsuki- "Like the infamous 'Genocide Gangster Heist'?"
Nakajima- "How many times do I have to apologize for that?!"
Mitsuki- "Once would be nice!"
Nakajima- "no..."

Nakajima- "I've never been in a snowball fight."
Mitsuki, building a snowball- "Oh, really?"
Nakajima- "I don't even know the rules.  Is there a point system, or is it to the death?"
Mitsuki, now holding the big snowball- ".... oh no"


Nakajima: Why are you looking at me through a fork?
Mitsuki: I'm pretending you're in jail.
Nakajima: Why?
Mitsuki: It's spiritually healing.


Mitsuki and Sakura: You two always look so unapproachable.
Nakajima and Miona: And yet, here you are.


Hiromi: If I cut off my leg and swing it at your head, am I hitting you or kicking you?
Mitsuki: You'll probably end up mentally scarring me more than anything.


Pochikuma caring about a trial for once: Excuse me, who is in charge here?
Everyone: Usually it's whoever yells the loudest.


Shoi: What's he talking about?
Shakiri: C'mon, it was funny-


Sakura: You need to react when people cry!
Miona: I did. I rolled my eyes.


i'm running out of things for this.  

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