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Nakajima- " Road work ahead? Uh yea, I sure hope it does."


Sakura-  "It's an avocado, thanks!"


Hiromi- "Mother trucker dude, that hurt like a butt cheek on a stick."


Kaz, learning how to cook- "I could have dropped my croissant!"


Miona, while Sakura's trying to cheer him up- "Today's forecast, we can clearly see that somebody got me f*cked up!"


Mitsuki- "I am shooketh."


DD Sakura-  "I'm sorry I didn't see you there. I was too busy blocking out the haters."


Nakajima and Miona- "That's my best friend; that's my best friend."


Mitsuki and Sakura- "That's my best friend; that's my best friend."


Hiromi to Kaz in the kitchen- "Can I PLEASE get a waffle?"


cop- "Next Please."
Nakajima disguised- "Hello."
Cop- "Sir, this is a mugshot." 
Nakajima, lying her way out of jail- "A mugshot? I don't even drink coffee."


Kaz- "I'm just cooking pizza"


Protag squad- "It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life, watermelon, INSIDE A WATERMELON."


Nakajima, with her army escaping cops- "I'm a bad bitch, you can't kill me."


(again, sorry) Nakajima, with her army to cops- "Next time you put your fuckin' hands on me, imma fuckin' rip your face off, bitch."


Kaz and Sakura- "This bitch empty. Yeet!"


Miona-"HoW dOyOu kNoW wHaT's gOoD fOr mE?" 
Mitsuki, trying to get Miona to eat-"THAT'S MY OPINIONNN!!!.."


Nakajima-"Hey, I'm lesbian."
Mitsuki-"I thought you were American."


Mitsuki and Nakajima, during Chapter 5- "WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? "


hope you enjoyed.  


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