What If...

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... Blind War Hope's Peak Was a Normal School

The talents still apply.  

Mitsuki is in every single one of the sports programs and teams... every... single... one... not even kidding.... everything having to do with sports and athletics she's in.  She doesn't bother with Student Council though.  She's mainly outside or in a gym, or sports.  

Nakajima, however, does all she can and tries to be her best in the Student Council she actually *tries* to care for the other students, it's kinda sweet, she got nicer :D.  She can mainly be found in a classroom or with Miona.  

Nakajima also drags Miona into Student Council, for a completely different reason each time, no one might ever know the real reason if there even is one.  Him and Nakajima are almost always just in random places or classrooms.  

Shiro volunteers and stays in the library, even reads to others, like kids sometimes.  She picks the books and most people just listen in.  She's always in the library.  

Hiromi has a underground 'cult'/club on conspiracy theories and the occult, there are many *many* members, nobody really knows where they hold their meetings and most don't even know it exists.  She pops up or disappears to a 'meeting'.  

Narukami stays in the art clubroom, it's never empty in there which is kinda creepy if you think about it.  

Saiko has joined a dojo like thing in the school, for blades and swords, they have championships every few months and whoever won that time keeps the title until the next time, unless they win again.  Saiko's always at least *near* the room, or dorms.  

Akashi just goes around pulling pranks on everyone from the teachers to the students, not everyone laughs though.  She's both around and not, always messing with others, once She released bees in the class, it was actual hell for the Student Council.  

Akamaki and Rina still just hang around, seriously if someone just walks around they *will* find them just sitting and talking or walking and watching.  They still are mainly in the cafeteria, but they don't speak to anyone but each other, unless they *want* to be scared.  

Shoi joined the Debate team, they don't normally write down their rebuttals and everything and mainly goes off the spot.  It works being the Ultimate Lawyer.  Shoi is mainly in that room, or in the hallway just... paseing... finds it relaxing and energy draining.  

Shakiri found a Space/Astrology club and joined as soon as she found it.  She can mainly be found on the roof looking up.  Even on sunny days.  

LaMoyenne isn't *in* the clubs but just hangs around there to try them out.  They stay around any and all clubrooms, he might of even joined Hiromi's club.  They also tried every club *at the very least* once.  

Sakura and Mitsuki are still the best of friends.  Mitsuki even got Sakura to try Cheer Club.  They're almost always together.  Sakura is always cheering everyone up except for Miona, it never goes well.  Ever.  

There are some Despair Disease outbreaks, it sucks, this time not *all* of the healthy people have to take care of the sick ones.  

They have a class photo where they all Junko Pose for the camera, different pose for each person, the teachers told them 'please, god, do NOT.' Obviously they did it anyway.  

They have meet-ups and just go over to one persons dorm to 'party', it's just a bundly sleepover.  Nakajima looks like an owl during these.  

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