Postgame Nakajima (Some not though)

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Took down her pony-tails and put her almost waist-length hair down.

Speckles of her hair are going white.  

She occasionally smokes, not much because she doesn't want to ruin her athletic ability.  

She doesn't know if Yasuda is faking nightmares to make sure she sleeps

She doesn't sleep much anymore, like everyone else, getting nightmares of Junko Enoshima (even though nobody in Blind War even seen Junko besides Narukami.)

She changed up her look and now wears a brown jacket instead of her vest.  

She offered Miona to join her Kingdom.  

Her Kingdom is a fixed up abandoned amusement park.  

She messes with the nearby detective agency/police department a lot more now.  

She stopped suppressing her accent 

she's now (at the time of PIJAB) around 23.  

Yasuda worries a lot about her.  

She keeps a parasol around to hide her face because everyone in Blind War started to get noticed,  

She 'adopted' Yasuda when he was 6 and she was around 15-16

Everyone in Blind War was 16-19

They came back around a year later.  

Her, Miona, and Kaz were found in a fountain at 5 in the morning for no apparent reason.  

Still takes Yasuda Trick-Or-Treating.  

(The Amari and Yasuda chapters will be updated so look out of it.)

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