Shorts with Mitsuki and Nakajima

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Mitsuki's and Nakajima's betas were cousins...

Nakajima originally had a british accent but instead i couldn't stop speaking russian so she's part russian...

Mitsuki was the only one of the two who had the same talents the whole time.  

Nakajima went from the Ultimate Therapist (ironic, she needs one) , Detective, Manipulator, to Despair at one point.  

Nakajima was originally far more colorful than she is now, i'm talking full on rainbow and a giant oversized jacket and rainbow platform boots.  

Nakajima was also originally going to talk like a small child.  

Mitsuki, in beta, introduced Nakajima to Danganronpa 

Nakajima loves Danganronpa, mainly for the concept of killing the killers

Nakajima has this fantasy of being beheaded and burned, Mitsuki does *not* like this

Nakajima misses her hand so very *very* much

Nakajima uses old words like 'tis, thou, shalt, shant,' and even once 'huzzah' to sound more royal Mitsuki makes fun of her for it.  

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