A Nakajima Episode

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"Well fuck you too you ass-sucking whore fuck."  
- to anyone she hates really.  

= She has trouble with other languages that aren't Russian, and will get so frustrated to the point of tears and will cry because her mother used to hit/slap/whip her with a ruler when she got things wrong.  

= She hates when people say she is 'supposed to me a queen not a king'.  

= If you walking in at the right time you'll see her room covered in Danganronpa posters, Lady Gaga and Paramore playing, and strobe lights as she snuggles her stuffed rabbit.  

= She's never had a pet before, she could never keep one due to war and life-risking during her kingdom service or her mother killing them all, mostly in front of her.  

= Her accent gets really thick and can't control it when speaking other languages that aren't Japanese or Russian.  

= Her favorite movie is Alice In Wonderland.  She'll quote it if and when she gets to.  She loves to sing with the flowers and speak with the Cheshire Cat.  

= She can play piano because her mother forced her to and she doesn't for that reason.  

= Mitsuki has caught her humming 'Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go' but Nakajima denies it.  

= She doesn't hate Mitsuki, she just reminds her of her past and her mother and she wants to forget.  

= She loves rabbits and sees them as a sign of innocents, purity, and childhood and she loves them so much.  

= She loves Pokemon but if you catch her playing it she'll deny it.  

= Her Kingdom is hidden but is really close to others bases.  

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