I Didn't Mean It-Changlix

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Trigger warning: Mental health, starving, and attempt of suicide

A/n: I'm sorry, I know Changbin would never say any of this to Felix and sorry for the amount of times the pov changes.

Felix's pov

It was a slow day and I was laying on the floor in my dorm room scrolling through TikTok. I hadn't been feeling very good mentally the past week and even thought I had Chan to talk to, I still felt like I was getting worse every day.

There was a knock at the door and Chan's head popped in, "Hey Felix, how are you doing today?"

"Same as usual I guess" I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

Chan just sighed and I knew he wouldn't push it for right now since it seemed like I wasn't in the mood to talk. To be honest, I wasn't really in the mood to ever talk to anyone this past week and to make it worse, the person I did want to talk to  was giving me the cold shoulder and ignoring me. Changbin was always 'busy' working on things, but I knew he just wanted to get away from me, and even if he was actually busy my brain told me he didn't want to see me and he hated me.

I got up off the floor and threw on a hoodie and put my phone in my pocket. 

"I'm going to go for a walk" I yelled so nobody worried where I was.

The air had a small bite of cold to it, signaling that it was getting colder and seasons were changing.

I had stopped at a park entrance and decided to walk around it. It was nice to walk around and get a clear head, or as clear as I could get. There was still the nagging part of my brain that always told me things that weren't true. I looked at my phone since it started to get dark and saw it was getting late so I started heading back to the dorms.

"I'm back" I yelled as I entered. 

"Hi Felix Hyung" Jeongin greeted me and gave me a small warm smile.

I went to my room and flopped on my bed, ready to fall asleep.

"Are you going to eat?"

I got startled not realizing someone walked in. I picked up my head and saw it was Changbin.

"I'm not hungry, I got something on the way back from my walk" I lied to him, which he didn't believe.

"You can't keep doing this" he told me as he sat down next to me, rubbing circles on my back.

"Doing what? I told you I got something on the way back." 

"You know what I mean Felix" Changbin stood up and raised his voice some. "You keep starving yourself, and you're getting worse mentally. Don't say that you're not hungry or you aren't tired when you're working" Changbin was yelling at this point. "You are overworking yourself."

I was starting to get upset and yelled back at him, "Don't act like you care. You've been ignoring me these past couple weeks. I know you don't want to see me or be around me. I know I'm annoying you too much, you could just tell me instead of just ignoring me!"

"Well maybe I don't want to see you. You have been annoying these past weeks and I just need a break, but I know what will happen anyways if I tell you I don't want to see you" he yelled and I started tearing up.

I ran out of the room, and outside. 

I just need to get away from here.

I had been running for a while and stopped at an abandoned bridge and screamed as loud as I could.

Changbin's pov

I hadn't realized what I said until Felix was running out of the dorms. I tried running to the door but was stopped.

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