It Started With Stealing-Chanlix

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Type: Friendship

Warning: small use of knives, hospitals, slight stealing.

I sprinted through the trees as I was being chased down. I should have been more careful. I know it's bad to steal things, but it's the only way to survive for me.

I saw the abandoned building up ahead and ran faster. I darted in and took the stairs up to the second floor. I could hear footsteps slowing down and come to a stop.

"Look, if you give me back what you stole, I won't get you in any trouble. I promise" the male that was chasing me yelled.

I was sitting in the space beside the stairs, next to the railing so I could watch the male. From here I could see he looked close to my age, maybe older. His hair looked blond, but the roots were showing through a little as brown.

I lost track of where he went because I stared off into space. A hand landed on my shoulder and I felt a huge wave of shock flow through my body. I looked at the male and froze. My breathing picked up. I felt like I was trapped, mostly because I was. Tears pricked at the sides of my eyes. I felt absolutely helpless. I dropped the object I stole and hugged my knees to my chest and buried my head between my chest and knees.

It felt like hours, but it was only a few seconds. A pair of arms wrapped around me. I felt a little relaxed and my knees were no longer hugged to my chest. I was pulled into the lap of the person holding me. I froze yet again.

"I won't hurt you, my name is Chan and I just want to help" the male whispered to me.

I just nodded my head and was picked up. My face was buried into the crook of Chan's neck. He carried me down the steps and took me outside. The sun shining down on us and I felt myself get sleepy. My eyes slowly fell shut and I was soon asleep.

*time skip*

I woke up in an unfamiliar place and looked out the window. It was now nighttime and I got out of the bed slowly. I snuck out of the room and tried getting to the door as quickly and quietly as I could.

"Where are you going" I stopped moving as I heard a males voice. I turned around and Chan was sitting on one of the bar stools. "If you want to stay, I'm making some food and you can have a place to sleep. But if you want to go, remember you have a place here to stay."

I contemplated for a second, I turned back towards the door and reached for the door knob. I opened the door and was about to step through, but looked back as Chan was watching me make my decision.

He doesn't seem that bad.

I decided to stay and walked back in and closed the door. I walked over to the bar area and looked at the floor.

"are you sure it's okay if i stay" I asked him shyly.

I felt a hand under my chin and raise my head up, "Of course you can stay, I live by myself so it would be nice to have a roommate" Chan said as he smiled at me. He had a contagious smile.

He told me to go take a shower in his bathroom and for me to take some of his clothes to wear. I did as was told and now I was sitting at the bar in a man's house that I just met that day after I stole something from a gas station. I was quite comfy though.

Chan had slid a bowl of food in front of me and I thanked him for it. I took a bite and it was delicious.

"It's one of my favorite foods to make. My family and I used to make it when I was little, when I lived in Australia" Chan explained to me.

"You're from Australia? That's really cool because I am too."

"We can be Aussie brothers. I'm 23, how old are you?"

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