Laser Tag- Chanmin

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A/n: This is a ship one-shot. As  in a relationship one, not a friendship one.

This is not edited or checked over.

Chan's Pov

We were getting geared up for the game of laser tag we were doing for a video. I got done and saw that Seungmin was struggling a bit with the gear.

"Do you need any help" I asked Seungmin.

"No, I think I got it."

Seungmin still seemed to be struggling so I decided to help him even though he said he didn't need any help.

"Alright everyone, two teams of four. The four oldest vs. the four youngest" the game operator told us as we split into our teams. "You four can go ahead in a get hidden" he said pointing at the four youngest of our group. 

They headed in the laser tag area to go hide.

"Don't worry, we'll leave Seungmin to you Hyung" Changbin teased me quietly. I swatted at his arm which caused him to laugh.

Seungmin's Pov

"Do you need any help" I heard someone ask. I looked up and saw that Chan was the one who was asking. 

"No, I think I got it" I replied to him. I guess it looked like I was still struggling, which I was, but  Chan decided to help me. I had to fight back a blush creeping up to my face as he helped me. 

We were told to move into the four oldest and four youngest for the two teams. I stood by Felix who started nudging my arm lightly. Felix was the only other person besides Hyunjin who knew my crush on our group leader. In return I learned their crushes, Felix had one on Changbin and Hyunjin had one on our youngest member.

We started to head into the room to go hide. Before I went in I heard what Changbin had whispered to Chan and my face flushed red. I didn't know what it meant so I made it a mission to avoid Chan all the time during the game.

It had been a few minutes and the four oldest of our group had just entered the room to start hunting us basically. I was on the top of a building, aiming at Changbin already. I had a clear shot so I took it. I saw his chest piece light up and I ducked behind the wall before he could point out where the shots came from.

Someone was heading up from one side, so I snuck out the other side. I quietly ran through the walls to find a different spot to hide. Seconds later I was crouched behind a wall in the back, next to a corner of course. I saw Chan so I ducked in the nearest space I could find. 

I stood up to check to see if it was clear for me to go somewhere else, all of a sudden there was a shadow over me and I was lightly pushed backwards until my back. touched the wall and my gun was dangling by my side.

Chan's Pov

It was our turn to head in the room. I immediately noticed Seungmin up higher and aiming at Changbin. I turned behind a different wall with my laser gun raised incase someone was waiting there. When I rounded a corner I saw Felix at the base of the building aiming for me. I was about to shoot at his chest piece when he stood aside to reveal a staircase. 

I walked closer to him with my gun still raised. He held up his hands and said, "my ship has got to sail sometime" before running off, probably to go find Changbin.

I went up the stairs, ready for an attack to happen, I was met with nothing but an empty space. Crouch-walking over to the edge of the other side, I saw Seungmin darting through the walls. I smiled to myself while watching him. Minho came up here so I could head back down and find the others.

Walking slowly between the walls, I saw someone dart into a corner. Knowing it was Seungmin, I walked around a wall to hide myself. He got up to see if I was gone, I walked in front of him and slowly pushed him to the wall. He looked at me and his face flushed red, his laser gun slowly fell from his hand. He looked so cute. 

"Is it okay if I kiss you" I whisper asked him.

Seungmin's Pov

"Is it okay if I kiss you" Chan asked me. 

I was internally freaking out. He asked if he could kiss me. Chan, the person I like, asked me if he could kiss me. I slowly nodded, being nervous like I was. He moved his face closer to mine and put his lips on mine. I kissed back, obviously. His hands held my waist lightly, almost as if he put on any pressure, I would disappear. After a few seconds he pulled away from the kiss and kissed he top of my nose before walking away. He brought up his gun and shot my chest piece, it was the last shot of the game. We had lost since I wasn't paying attention. He winked at me before I grabbed my gun from its dangling position and started walking after him to the front.

*time skip*

I fell back onto the hotel bed as Felix sat on the floor and Hyunjin draped himself over the couch. I had explained to them when we were in the elevator what had happened during the game of laser tag.

"So he kissed you, and you haven't done anything about it" Felix asked me.

"Bingo" I replied to him.

"If Jeongin asked to kiss me and then did it, I would be freaking out and talking to him" Hyunjin butted in.

"He doesn't seem to want to talk, and besides, it could have been a dare. I heard Changbin Hyung say something as we were entering."

Felix sat up from his laying position from the floor, "What did he say?"

"He said, 'don't worry, we'll leave Seungmin to you Hyung', that could have been for a dare" I exclaimed. "I don't think Chan Hyung would actually like me" I continued as I sat up, sounding a bit disappointed. 

There was a knock at the door before it opened to reveal, speak of the devil, Chan himself. Hyunjin and Felix had a look of mischief on their faces. They made up some sort of excuse to leave the room and insisted that Chan stay to look out for me.

I felt a bit awkward. I invited him to sit on the bed on the other corner since I went up to the pillow side of the bed. 

"I'm sorry" was the first thing he said.

"I shouldn't have done that. It was inappropriate of me as a leader to do. Would you just forget that it happened" he asked me.

I nodded slowly, "I guess I could forget it happened" I told him as I couldn't hide the disappointment in my voice. 

Chan looked up from staring at a thread in the blanket, "Did you sound disappointed?"

"Oh, uh, no. I'm just tired from the long day, that's all."

Chan looked a little bit disappointed at my response. 

"Would you want to cuddle with me" I ask him.

"Sure that sounds okay."

Chan was already changed into pajamas so it was easier for him to get comfortable. I was facing into his chest, he had his arms around me and his chin rested lightly on my head. I was slowly drifting off into sleep when I heard Chan mumble something.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you before, but I love you Seungmin" Chan mumbled loud enough for me to hear since he thought I was asleep.

"I love you too Chan" I said back, loud enough for him to hear. 

I didn't get a verbal response back, but I did get a kiss to the top of my head and Chan squeezing me a little closer to his body, if that was even possible. I readjusted where I was laying so he could get comfortable as well. Chan turned off the bedside lamp and pulled the blanket around us so we could stay warm.

I felt content with life. I was cuddling next to the person I loved. His chin was still lightly resting on my head, except this time my face was in his neck. I left a small, light kiss against his neck as I mumbled another 'I love you' and a 'goodnight'. 

This is what I lived for.

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