chapter seven

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I just stare at him in utter awe. "Really?"

He suddenly releases my hand and nods. I feel my face go warm, a light blush appears over both our faces.

We once again began to walk, this time in silence. My cheeks remained warm as I played things over in my mind. All those times I mindlessly sang. Sang as a way to release all the bottled up stress and anger I held, Mingyu had heard. Out of all people....Mingyu heard. Something about being so close to him right now, our hand brushing against each others, made him feel so real...made me like him more.

"So...are you hungry?" Mingyu turned to me with a boyish smile. Thud thud. My heart skipped a beat.

"Ofcourse I am" I smiled back, anxiously making eye contact.

And like that the next minute I found myself stepping foot into the Kim family house. The first I noticed was how empty it was. Large and echoey, but rather bare. No paintings, no expensive glassware, no gordy heirlooms. Just a large white couch and a tv, with a simple coffee table in between lay in the living room. I suppose minimalism was in style nowadays.

I silently followed Mingyu into the kitchen. No maids. He opened the fridge and frowned, then he looked over at me.

"We don't really have much right now, probably due for a grocery you wanna just order something?" he shrugged looking a little embarrassed. My eyes lit up at the thought of delivery food.

"Yes! Delivery food" I said enthusiastically.

"You must like delivery food a lot then" Mingyu laughed taking out his phone. I pouted.

"Hm,'s just that I'm not allowed to eat delivery food so I've only had it once" Mingyu stared at me in disbelief.

"What? How?"

"My parent's are not fond on the idea of delivery food" I replied not wanting to talk about them anymore.

"Ok ok, let's order lots then" he smiled cheekily, uplifting the mood once again. My heart skipped a beat.


While we waited for the food Mingyu and I sat on the couch quietly. Not having much to say all of a sudden.

"So, you sing" Mingyu tried to break the silence with a smile.

I turned to him. "Aish! Will you stop with that" I frowned in embarrassment.

"I don't understand why you're so embarrassed. I told you I really really like your singing"

I cringed. "Yeah...but....ah!!!"

"But what? Huh?" He asked teasingly, closing the gap between us on the couch.

"Hm, its so personal" I muttered avoiding eye contact. My heart was beating so fast that it was about to jump out of my chest.

Mingyu smiled as he leant back. "Why does your personality change like that"

"Like what?"

"One moment you are a feisty badass and the next minute you are a shy schoolgirl" he smiled.

"Hm...probably cause I'm a gemini" I replied as the doorbell rang and Mingyu got up to answer it. I mean how was I supposed to tell him that I had practically two personalities living in me, one to make my parents happy and the other one to help me survive, and that well I liked him so much I didn't know which one to use around him. Yeah no. Gemini was the best scapegoat.

"Ta da!" Mingyu grinned brightly holding bags of delivery food.

"OHMAGOSH. Why did you order so much?"

"You don't get this often so there are too many things I need to you try" I laughed at his reply. Thump. My heart skipped again. Kim Mingyu I didn't know I could fall for you anymore, but here I am.

Heyy guys, sorry for this short chapter. Its because I am getting back to writing this after a longgg break so there is a bit of disconnect in the flow. I am back on it though and i promise long chapters! 

PS: OMG guys Ready to Love is beautiful! I seriously am in love!!! But also can we talk about Anyone. The live performance......let's just say I had to watch it 13 times :) 

xoxo venus 


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