chapter four

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"So are you guys going to Seokmin's party tonight?" Hyejin asked as she spooned down a huge mouthful of rice. Seungkwan nodded with his mouthful leaving me confused.

"Party? We have a group project we're working on tonight." I explained.

"We?" Hyejin asked.

"Seokmin, Mingyu and I" I replied making Seungkwan choke on his food a little.

"Mingyu?" he asked expectantly.

"Yes Mingyu" I said firmly.

"That can't be though, he is throwing a party tonight at his place" Hyejin explained.

"No way, he said to meet at 7 at his place to work on the project" I was shocked, but also not really.

"Ehhh? 7? That's when the party starts" Seungkwan laughed.

"That jerk" I frowned jokingly. "I told him I was busy"

"Well now you have an alibi to escape your prison" Hyejin said deadpan. "Kudos to him"

I smiled slightly. "Yeah kudos..."


She didn't sing again this morning. Where was she in the mornings nowadays? Maybe she goes to school too? Come to think of it I didn't really know anything about this girl expect for her voice and the emotions she reflected through them, and yet she constantly ran my mind for no reason. Well maybe there was a reason, I am just unaware of it right now.

Next to me Seokmin chewed aggresively on his food while Jeonghan smacked him on the back for doing so. I mean he deserved it. The bastard conned Nari and I into coming to his shitty party knowingly quite well we did not want to. I smiled quietly to myself recalling the face to discomfort Nari had when Seokmin invited her to the party, and this morning when she and her friend rejected Jun. That girl had uncontrollable facial expressions and to me it was just hilarious.

"Why are you smiling to yourself freak?" Jihoon asked across from me.

I snapped out of my daze. "Huh? I'm not"

"Yes you were" Jihoon insisted.

I shook my head in disagreement and turned to Seokmin. "Why do I have to come to your stupid frat boy party?"

"You figured it out?" Seokim asked defeated.

"Anyone would be stupid to not" I retorted.

"Because you're always working and studying and I wanna have fun" Seokmin explained.

"Is there going to be a lot of people?" Minghao asked.

"Nah, just a few friends" Seokmin smiled and I nodded. Just for tonight then.


After explaining to the guard that I was going to study, I grabbed my bag full of my makeup and outfit and headed out the door wearing a plain sweater and jeans. I planned to get changed at Hyejin's house and we were going to go to Seokmin's together. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited. Ofcourse I was. My first party as a senior.

"Are you heading to Seokmin's now?" A voice asked from behind me. Mingyu

I turned around to look at him from the bus stop I waited at and I almost had a heart attack. His black hair slicked back showing his fore head, he wore a simple grey linen shirt with the sleeves rolled and top two buttons undone along with black ripped jeans and black boots. His golden skin shimmered under the dim street light. Is he even aware of how good he looks?

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