chapter one

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"Nari we need to go!" my best friends voice floating to the top floor of her three story house from outside.

I opened my balcony window yelling back "I'm coming Seungkwan, give me a second"

Quickly powering my face and running a brush through my short hair, I grab my bag and run down the never ending flight of stairs that spiralled through the house. Injeong our long time nanny waving me goodbye as I left through the grand gold plated oak doors.

"Aish, what took you so long? You look the same as everyday" Seungkwan sulked as we began walking to school. Despite my parents wanting to gift me with my very own driver to school I refused. It was the only thing that could make me feel normal-ish, was walking to school with my best friend every morning. Still I knew there was always someone keeping an eye on me, from somewhere, I was something they just couldnt let go of. Always bugging me, always calling me, checking my location, dictating my life till no end. But i let them, it was too tiring to fight back, plus it didn't bother me that much, I lived a good life. No I lived a great life.

"Injeong made french toast, my favourite so I had to make time for breakfast today" I shrugged.

"Mhh, you and your fancy foods, someone needs to feed you rice and samgyetang once in a while." Seungkwan laughed.

"I thought that's for when you're sick" I replied dryly.

"No, it's for when you can't afford fancy gold dipped french toast"

"Firstly, my french toast isn't dipped in gold stupid, secondly, we both go to the most expensive private school in Korea so don't act like you can't afford gold dipped french toast" I sassed him, raising an eyebrow and he nodded in defeat. This was the average conversation between me and my childhood friend. We met on the first day of kindergarden when Seungkwan beat up a kid who tried to make fun of my ugly choppy bangs I had back then and it's been the two of us ever since.

As we approached school we began to see highschoolers in the same maroon uniform as us, bowing to us as they walked past to shower respect for us seniors.

"First day of school as a senior" I said sighed deeply.

"I know right" A voice said from behind us, Hyejin the last piece to our puzzle spoke. She put her arms around us, slipping through the middle.

We continued walking towards the gate. "Hey look who" Seungkwan said pointing to a group of boys now walking infront of us.

Both Hyejin and Seungkwan turned to look at me as though possessed by meerkats. I smiled and let out a deep breath.

"Don't tell me you still have a thing for him" she said knowingly. I shrugged guiltily.

"Noooo girl, how? Why?" I thought you were over him.

"Ha! Who? Our Park Nari over her toxic crush on Kim Mingyu? This bitch is as smitten as ever" Seungkwan mocked me loudly. I reached out and placed my hand tightly over his mouth.

"Are you stupid why are you talking so loud" I whispered. "He is right there" I said, looking forward. His tall figure infront of me walking with 3 other boys. Ever since the first day of highschool I have had a crush on Kim Mingyu. Turns out he was quite the bad boy, always rejecting girls and breaking hearts. I didn't really know much else about him, but that was fine with me, since just watching him from afar satisfied me enough. I mean my friends call it stalking, but what he doesn't know won't hurt him right?

"This is so dumb, you are literally known at this school as the intimidating, rich girl who breaks her suitors heart, why do you become like a cute schoolgirl at the mention of Mingyu?" Hyejin asked. I cleared my throat.

"I do not become like anything. Let's just drop this topic. I don't even like him anymore. And please never use the word suitors again. More like golddiggers." I lied returning to my calm state knowing quite well he was still a constant thought in my mind.

I walk into school with my friends as we are forced to part ways due to being in different homerooms this year. I check my timetable. 3F. This last classroom in the long hallway. I walking towards the room and enter to see an empty classroom with only one familiar face sitting by the window. Kim Mingyu. Ugh maybe I should just get over him, but just look at him. Black hair slightly parted, sitting tall, sleeves rolled up, hands cupping his face in boredom. Aish snap out of it Nari.

We made slight eye contact and I nodded slightly in acknowledgement and took the seat behind him, and by this time people started to fill the room. Class began and it was just as usually, introductions and lots of chatting. I didn't have either of my friends in my class so that left me silent while others got aquainted. It didn't really bother me though, I didn't feel that burning desire that others did to make a whole bunch of friends, Seungkwan and Hyejin were enough for me. Plus I knew other people tried to befriend me purely based off my status, or really my parent's status. I just stared out the window, taking occasional glimpses at Mingyu who spoke to a friend of his. Then out of nowhere the friend he was talking to turned to me and smiled. Awoken from my daze and shot a questioning look.

"Nari." he spoke.

"Um yes?" I replied, this caught Mingyu's attention and now I had two extremely good looking boys staring at me.

"Whattt? You dont remember me?" he replied jokingly.

I smiled slightly. "Remember you?" I muttered briefly glancing at Mingyu who still had his eyes on me.

"I'm Seokmin" he said in an attempt to evoke my memory, which it did. Lee Seokmin, from first grade, the kid who Seungkwan and I decided to adopt because he was so gullible, aloof and cute back then.

My eyes lit up to both the boys surprise. "Seokmin! Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed. "Long time no see"

Seokmin nudged Mingyu, "See I told you she would remember me" I smiled.

"I thought you went to Japan for highschool" I told him.

"Yeah but I transfered here this year for my senior year" he explain and I nodded.

"Haha I am so glad to see you. It's been forever. Seungkwan will be stoked to see you"

"Where his he?" Seokmin asked excitedly.

"Not in this class sadly, I'm all alone here" I replied and all this time Mingyu just silently watching the exchange between Seokmin and I.

"Well you're not alone now, you have Mingyu and I" Seokmin smiled cutely. I let out a soft chuckle. "Oh by the way this is my friend Mingyu, he's been at this school for a while, so you probably know him"

I looked at Mingyu and smiled a little in acknowledgement. "I think I've see him around" I lied. Yeah seen him, more like watch him everyday.

"Hi" Mingyu finally spoke and I replied back with a smile. This was gonna be one hell of a year.


Heyyy, thanks for reading the first chapter of my attempt at writing a seventeen fanfic. PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE! And I hope you enjoyed it :) Please look forward to upcoming chapters. 

-xoxo venus

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